Discussion: Dem Challenger To Gov. Pence Comes Out Swinging On Religious Freedom

Discussion for article #235864

May fortune smile upon Gregg.


I don’t know a thing about Gregg, but I’d definitely vote for his mustache!


I hope he beats Pence like a rented mule.



Sorry…had to be done…


Gregg needs to get that small furry animal off his upper lip, I couldn’t focus on a word he said.

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More importantly, the Superintendent of Public Instruction may run against Pence. She was the only statewide Democrat elected that cycle, and that was by a large majority. However, she opposes the charter school push of her predecessor (later discovered to be doing illegal things) and of Pence and his cronies. So they’re re-writing state law to marginalize her office.

Hoosiers are not amused.

Gregg ran against Pence before. Ritz has a chance of beating Pence.


If she can win a statewide election in Indiana as a Democrat with a name like Glenda Ritz*, the sky’s the limit for this woman.

*[Unless, of course, most of the people who voted for her thought they were voting for a porn star.]


My late mother was an Indiana girl from Beech Grove, right by Indianapolis. She was pro-gay, pro-union, pro-feminist, and pro-equal rights. She passed away in 2010 at the age of 90, but if she was alive today she would tell Mike Pence to go eat shit.


I thought she was a cracker heiress.

Don’t mock the HLF (Hair Liberation Front)! That is a noble 'stash worn by former US Presidents and Oscar-winning actors alike. Through that coiffur shall emerge the truth that shall set the once proud state of Indiana free!


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Please don’t compare Pence with an ass… mules have pride ya’ know.

Ritz was not only the only Dem. to win office, but she received more votes than Mike Pence!! I hope she will run.
I’m glad someone in this state opposed charter schools, they stripped money from public schools unyil they can hardly function!!

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You’re thinking of Amber Waves. Of grain.

Pence was, iPad always has been a shill for the right wing lunatic fringe. He is either a relgious fanatic or he is willing acompiace of theatsaefrige he should experience a period of unemployment followed by forcosure and bankruptcy. Other than that, have a nice day Mr.Pence.

I love reading about folks like your mother. My dad (who is 87 and still kicking) lives in a conservative area in Michigan - but he is about as open-minded and tolerant as one can imagine. He shares all of the views of your late mother.

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Can we PLEASE stop calling it a “religious freedom law,” and just call it what it actually is – a “pro-discrimination law.” Religious freedom is having the right to practice your religion, not the right to force your (supposedly) religion-based prejudices on others. That’s the OPPOSITE of religious freedom.


It’s too big. He seems like a personable guy. I think Mike Pence may be ready for the fork.

It may not be right, but I can’t take him seriously with that walrus like 'stache. Hope he cleans up his lip, and wipes up Pence.