Discussion: Defense Sec. Carter Calls His Misuse Of His Personal Email 'Entirely My Mistake'

Discussion for article #243914

“It’s entirely my mistake. Entirely on me.”

Mistake? How stupid and naĂŻve does he think we are?

Ash Carter used a private email account.
Hillary Clinton used a private email account.

This clearly and unambiguously means that there’s a conspiracy involving Benghazi that goes all the way to the Oval Office.

No other conclusions may be drawn from this.


Trey’s on it at this very moment.


It would appear politicians in both parties and at all levels of government consider the e-mail server statute a joke. Unless they put some serious bite into the penalties or somebody gets seriously hacked, not much will change. These guys/gals are too smart for it to have been a “mistake”.

I’m willing to give Carter a little bit of slack on this. Managing multiple email accounts is a fscking pain, and making sure that you use the right one at the right time is fiddly, especially if you have people in your address book in multiple accounts. What he should have done was to purge his personal address book of everyone who he might be contacting in his official capacity (which, considering he’s been in the business for 35 years, would be everyone but family and a few close friends). Then put something in that bounced all the mail from those people and told them to only email him at his DOD address. Instead, he appears to have just made sure his personal email got backed up on DOD servers for recordkeeping.

Stupid, sure. But he’s a “smart guy” – if he were doing this kind of thing for malicious reasons he has access to people who could do it much better.

(Disclosure – I corresponded with Carter briefly back in the early 80s when he was a junior defense analyst, so I don’t think of him entirely as a faceless apparatchik.)

I’m SOOOOOOO glad the MSM/GOP is on the case of all important email archival methods. What kind of MONSTER does some work email on a personal email account!!!?!? Get me the fainting couch, I’m getting the vapors!! Somebody stop this despicable thug before he kills again!!! And please, for heavens sake, the news media needs to STOP whatever it is they were doing and focus laser like on this most pressing issue!!!1!!1!

Same issue as Hillary that won’t get a hundredth of the attention and none of the committees. The Repubs already laid this egg and it isn’t getting any less rotten the longer they pursue it.

Plus, this is a military thing and the GOP needs the military, just as they do the old and mean and evangelicals to survive.