Discussion: Defense Department: No, We Didn't Pay Money For Bergdahl's Release

Discussion for article #223746

I mean do anyone really honestly care what Oliver North thinks about this?

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Ollie, pal, it was YOU who paid ransoms. So fuck off.

Also, this kkkonservative criticism is rich, considering that Bush Co. paid off the Sunnis who’d been killing US soldiers and marines in order to foster “The Awakening” in Iraq.

Paid the killers of Americans, to which the Librul Media said…meh.

Why does Oliver North hate the Pentagon so much? Doesn’t he support the troops?

Ollie said it = No sh*t, it’s ‘falsely witnessed’.

Pretty sad when all you have is Ollie North for a spokesman for a hostage deal.

Am I the only person who remembers the 20 million that Bush Jr paid for the release of the Americans held by the FARC in Columbia in July of 2008.

John McCain was the bag man for that delivery. During the 2008 campaign he all of a sudden , with no explanation, appeared in Columbia the day before they were released.

He claimed it was to let the " Spanish " people know that America is there friend if he is elected.

( I will hunt down the video )

The Washington Free Beacon cited an unnamed "senior intelligence official

Ah. There’s that secret unnamed source. Again.