Discussion: Defending Senate Repeal Effort, Trump Trashes Obamacare


So, the unfit, unqualified, incompetent scumbag is incapable of fulfilling his oath to uphold the laws of the US.

This is a surprising turn of events.


Remember keep your doctor, keep your plan?

I do. I also recall that the ACA grandfathered lousy plans, so people could keep them as long as the companies wanted to sell them, though they could not offer noncompliant plans to new customers. I do not recall the President promising people that insurance companies would continue to sell noncompliant plans.

What I don’t recall is any component of the ACA that took doctors away from people.

People did lose their doctors and their plans, but not because of the ACA.


But yet, YOU Donnie, are not required to keep your ‘promises’? Or will you just have another rally insisting that you didn’t say what everyone heard you say…it’s just the lying media, democrats, insert-a-name-of-your-newest-enemy are pretending you did…


Hey Donald, remember strengthening Medicaid? Remember giving all Americans healthcare?? That was you.


I’m reminded of a story about a poor merchant marine who contracted a virulent fungal STD while traveling in Southeast Asia.
The ship’s doctor, and the local western doctor, both told him that he was going to lose his dick, and they needed to cut it off.
In desperation, he went to a traditional Chinese doctor. He explained his problem, and said that he couldn’t accept having his dick cut off.
The local doctor, named 唐納德·特朗普, relieved him immediately when he said, “The Western doctors are no right. No need to cut off dick”
“Whew!!! What a relief”.
“In two week, it fall off by itself.”


One thing you can bank on with Trump. When he has nothing to say, you can count on him saying it.


Lots and lots of it.


Right now Trump wants a legislative win on anything and continues to hate Obama. But you watch when it turns out the law is not universally acclaimed. I guarantee, and will cheerfully bet everything I own and pretty much any body part you care to name, that if God forbid the repeal passes, he will completely disavow any responsibility when the howl of dismay goes up.


If, “keep your doctor, keep your plan, was ”Politifact’s “Lie of the Year” in 2013, Trump’s claims that he would sign into law a bill to provide “insurance for everybody” and that he would not sign off on cuts to programs like Medicaid, would have to be the “lie of the century.” But it is difficult to single out a particular Trump lie as the biggest whopper he’s told because he is such a compulsive liar.


The thing I do not like is that it waits until late 2019 for the thing to have full effect. So they protected thier behinds untill then.

Should the Dems retake the house in 2018, they are the ones to face the music as the GOP, will retain the Senate and the DEMs will not be able to pass anything to stop the carnage.


And why would the Democrats not be able to stop the carnage if we retake Congress? We can scrap the whole fucking thing and start over.


This draft bill is fucking insane.

Discussions of who and how many lose coverage, and what the effect on premiums will be don’t really touch on the insane bits.

Read this Vox piece for full coverage. https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2017/6/23/15862268/waivers-federalism-senate-bill-essential-benefits

Some highlights below:
–any waiver a state requests that doesn’t increase the Fed deficit must be approved by the Feds
–Feds can’t revoke approval for 8 years-- an unheard of abdication of Fed oversight on spending
– a governor acting on her own, without legislative approval, can make waiver requests
– a waiver in a single state can be adopted by large employers for their employee insurance plans everywhere in the US.

This is total chaos for the health insurance and healthcare markets, an opportunity for massive corruption, and a bizarre upheaval in the relative roles of states, Federal government, and legislatures.

I can’t imagine the Senate Parliamentarian giving the okay to handle this bill under the 51-vote reconciliation process, but I couldn’t imagine President Trump, either.

I believe there are many legal challenges this bill would face if it became law, too. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to defend it before the SC.

What is the game behind this insanity?


I’ll raise you two.


Said by a washed up idiot who is now reduced to running a clickbait website


Not sure if this was a defense of BCRA§ or another an attack on Obama and the ACA. He has NO clue as to the details of BCRA§ aka Trumpcare. Nor does he want to know the details but if it is passed he and the GOP will own it.


Americans are about to get it up the ass and not get kissed by the GOP. Good luck, Deplorables! See you dead in the gutter kids!

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But it sure had a lot of traction and was cheerfully promulgated by the MSM, at the time.


Because we have to take the Senate too. Bills have to pass both Houses.

The GOP lies so effectively that their lies become facts. They will blame Dems for any health care problems.


Don’t look now but the majority of Americans don’t accept those lies as facts.

Can we concentrate on taking Congress back before we decide it’s a useless exercise? My god people act like because the GOP is doing this there is nothing anyone can do.