Discussion: DeBlasio Knocks Giuliani On Race: 'He Fundamentally Misunderstands The Reality' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #230904

The right wing defective gene pool extremists don’t do reality.


And let’s see how this very mild comment gets torn apart by the RWNJ’s and how he’s just pandering, etc. DeBlasio is definitely considered “other” to them, wildly liberal, no matter how low key or inoffensive.


I would pay attention to DeBlasio on this topic. He is white, married to a black woman and has mixed kids. He has a 17 year old son who fits the “shoot first make lame excuses later” target profile the police seem to have embraced and local prosecutors back up every time. I bet he and his wife worry every Friday night when his son goes to football games, basketball games, dances, parties and all the regular venues where white teenagers safely go without a second thought.

This isn’t academic or something poll tested for DeBlasio. It is something he lives day in and day out. It has his undivided attention.


‘He Fundamentally Misunderstands The Reality’


Ghouliani is a racist with his head far up his ass.


“There’s something fundamental we have to get at here. And it’s not going to be helped by accusing either the community or the police of having bad intention or not doing their job. In fact, I think everyone is trying to do their job.”

Some are Mayor DeBlasio.
It’s the actions of those NOT doing their jobs-- within constraints of the law and with humane consideration-- that are upsetting to those of us who do/are.

I applaud the Mayor for his commenting on Giuliani’s ignorantly racist and fascist positions.
More of this is needed from those in your strata politically Mayor DeBlasio.



DeBlasio is being too kind. Rudy is playing to the Republican base. He is in it for the grift and doing all he can to stand out in a sea of Republican grifters. Hey, things are tough getting ready to squeeze in to that GOP clown car of a Presidential primary.


Mayors like DeBlasio in NYC and Betsy Hodges in Minneapolis are fighting ongoing battles to reform policing, over the objections of entrenched unions. I find it ironic that any true “conservative” would side with an out-of-control public employee union against reforms that save taxpayers millions in police brutality lawsuits.


One of the rare voices of sanity throughout this litany of police malfeasance.


“…There’s something fundamental we have to get at here…”

It’s ironic that that is the position of the NRA, that it isn’t the guns. It’s behavioral.

So the conservative movement is now on the opposite side of the NRA. Interesting.

And oddly enough, the police unions are the only ones that consistently support the GOP.

Well, you know, government can’t do anything right, except enforce laws, execute people and wage war. Somehow in those areas it’s infallible.


Who is kidding who?

‘He Fundamentally Misunderstands The Reality’???

A truer statement should have been: Giuliani purposefully distorts the reality.


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It isn’t that Giuliani “misunderstands” reality. It’s that he is entirely ignorant of its very existence. He lives in some sort of fuzzy haze that he considers natural and doesn’t even begin to realize that there can be anything outside his warped imagination. It’s sort of like someone who is seriously insane reacting to his hallucinations the way normal people react to reality.

Rudy Giuliani doesn’t misunderstand the reality of race in the United States. He just fundamentally disagrees with it. Or at least he sees his political future in the ward of loons (that peculiar flock of conservative White men) who do. A distinction without a difference :crocodile:

I am very proud of our mayor’s response in the wake of the Garner decision. And as for Giuliani, during his administration race relations in this city were at their worst point in the entire 32 years I’ve lived in NYC.

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Giuliani is biased towards Giuliani is problem #1. And he is an extreme partisan is problem #2. But, the biggie is, that he is the classic old white fart that doesn’t get it and will never try to. He can no more see the opposing opinion on this or feel the other sides pain than he can fart jelly beans.
His programming comes from a an outdated source and he relies on it to make sense of modern problems. Those two things are not compatible, so Rudy is just rambling to the other outdated copies of himself. If his thinking worked, would the problems still exist?