Discussion for article #226275
That…is officially Fucking Awesome.
GREAT use of the medium.
Wow Awesome response!
Not just a 1,000 words, but whole narratives, insights, and empathy.
It’s one of the many reasons I love Twitter. Everyone, especially young men (of all races, btw), has taken a picture in which they appear “tough” or “hard”. The media LOVES to find pics of Michelle Obama where they can play up the “angry black woman” stereotype. But those few pictures don’t sum up the totality of a life. Look at what they did to Trayvon Martin. The picture of him wearing a grill or the one of him “mean mugging” the camera became “the real Trayvon”.
Black folks, unlike Whites, are only allowed to be one dimensional. You can only either be all good or all bad. You can’t be multi-faceted. You can’t be a college graduate with a good job and an upstanding member of your community yet also like to smoke a little weed and get faded on the weekends. White people, especially young people, are allowed to be young and silly, they’re allowed to to wear styles they’ll later regret. Nope, Black kids are defined wholly by who they are at their worst and never who they are at their best.
In fairness, I wore neon colored leg warmers in my youth. I may never recover from that ;). In serious though, you are so right. Not to get too overly personal, but my son is bi-racial, and what I have seen him go through in our Whitey-Whiteville town has been quite an education; one that makes me very sad. I could tell you stories, but they would be written through tears and I don’t feel like crying right now. Besides, you probably know every single story I could tell you without my typing a word. Our nation needs to do better and it starts by admitting we still have a very big problem when it comes to race.
Don’t feel bad, it’s not your fault. I blame Flashdance.
I had truly hoped Obama’s presidency would bring about a national conversation on race that would turn to genuine healing. Unfortunately, his presidency seemed to bring out and make racism more acceptable in some circles. I do still have hope that in the years after his presidency ends there will be a sort of national discussion about the racism and ugliness visited about upon this man.
“I had truly hoped Obama’s presidency would bring about a national conversation on race that would turn to genuine healing. Unfortunately, his presidency seemed to bring out and make racism more acceptable in some circles.”
I do think the ship is turning, but it will be very long and slow before we can even begin to heal. In the last decade the discussion has wrong-footed those who still cling to bigoted attitudes and beliefs. The discussion is no longer about the victim or sympathetic witnesses being “hyper politically correct”, but the bigot having to explain what’s really in their heart, which is a tacit admission/acknowledgement that what they actually said was bigoted.
There’s so much we can see wrong with our society today, but I think that’s a result of We The People being aware and awake. 10 years ago, this conversation would largely not have been possible.