Discussion: DC Residents Troll GOP Rep. Blocking Legal Weed With Calls About Trash

Discussion for article #231101

His voicemail inbox is full. So I sent an email complaining about my storm drain getting clogged in the California storm I am weathering right now.


I’d love it if NORML - and anyone else who wants an end to this idiotic war on drugs - could pull all their resources in other states and pour them into Maryland legalization. Put it on the 2016 ballot, and make it the Colorado of the East.

And then he can see how it feels to be overruled by outsiders on his own turf.


Good and keep it up. This guy needs to be on the receiving end of a months long onslaught of voter disapproval in his entirely selfish actions. He’s the recipient of huge campaign contributions from the Pharmaceutical industry who are opposed to legalization.


I called this character from the other side of the River (va.). Andy is from Maryland’s Eastern Shore, a conservative, largely white area. This plays well with the population over there, which Is probably what inspired his move. This crowd likes nothing more than sticking it to the District of Columbia and if you think there could be some racism there, you are right. I know enough folks over there to attest to that.


Harris is my congressman. I live on the Eastern Shore of MD on the Chesapeake Bay. He votes against every proposal to help clean up the Bay, which is our biggest source of revenue from tourism. He would love nothing better than to turn our beautiful Bay into a cesspool. I would love nothing better than to see this guy in a world of hurt.


A republican who is a DICK? what a surprise. We should just start calling them the Dicklicans, the Gross Old Penises or the GOP, the party of Ronald Reapenis, the party of unLincoln like Dick Heads, conservatesticles…can’t forget the balls!

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Hmm. Eastern Shore. I’m sure he gets Dick Cheney’s vote. Keep that inbox full.

The turds sink to the bottom of the punch bowl.

Tsongas give away, Tonto give away, Derivative give back, and DC should become a State, two Senators who likely would be black.

Like he cares…DC outrage costs him no votes, and his constituents back him in his evil and sadistic views.

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I’m going to call tomorrow, and ask for King Andy, the Monarch of DC.

Since I don’t live in DC, I guess my question is, Why do you hate Democracy?

Another tack could be to stage protests…in his District, since it sounds like its driving distance.

Why tie up traffic in your own town, and hurt commerce, when you can do it in a district apparently full of dicks, whose dear leader is jerking you around.

The right to peacefully assemble is beautiful thing. Unless your stuck in traffic for an hour and are late for work!

Just an idea…

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“…Congress has handcuffed the city government over regulation…”

Federal government regulation is the solution, according to Republicans. Always has been. Always will be.

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I’m in Harris’ district. He’s a polite, well groomed Piece Of S–t.

States rights! States rights! … er… uh … ok, got it.