I wish a New Orleans mohel would perform a bris on this motherfucker’s tongue.
GOP: you own this - Trump/Duke/Bannon/Gorka/Miller/Jones, not to mention Fox News, Breitbart, Rush, Laura, Drudge - you could have been a Never Trumper. Bush, Cruz, Graham, Rubio, Kasich: what say y’all?
Wow! The biggest KKK pussy in LA! This racist dick has no power!
to quote the Orange Pretender, “EVERYONE AGREES!!!”
Are you saying that if one reached out and grabbed the KKK by the pussy, they’d be grabbin’ Duke?
Pure on top of
and his shit is stinking!!!
Governor McAuliffe has declared a state of emergency. “Jew will not replace us” seems to be the favorite chant.
In 2018 we the silent majority are going to take back our country from these GOP right wing lunatics.
In 2020 you are next dimwit Donald.
Wrong David" would be nazi" Duke. It is not Trump’s promise, it is Trump’s wet dream, that you are trying to fulfill. Just like Trump, you are a one-trick pony. Just like Trump, you are a poseur. And,above all, just like Trump you are a LOSER.
Someone please point out in a headline that this is what white Christian terrorism looks like.
Tensions began Friday night, as several hundred white supremacists chanted “White lives matter!” “You will not replace us!” and “Jews will not replace us!” as they carried torches marched in a parade through the University of Virginia campus.
The march came on the eve of the Unite the Right rally, a gathering of groups from around the country whose members have said they are being persecuted for being white and that white history in America is being erased.
The most popular comment from the WP:
6:14 AM CST
Those poor white people. First, they lost their Constitutional Right to own negro slaves. Then they lost the right to sit ahead of them in busses. Sometimes white people have people of color as bosses, supervisor, and teachers. Black cops can arrest them. One even became President. These poor abused white people just want to know “when will this ever stop?”
Trump has been eminently Good for America.
I’d rather have the Right exposing its true colors as knuckle-dragging racists, misogynists and neo-nazis than continuing its recent history of pretending to not be those and relying on dog whistles to rally its supporters.
Much easier to combat an enemy who makes themselves well known.
And good for the people in Charlottesville who didn’t just stand by, but actively fought back against these brownshirt wanna-be’s. It’s heartening to see that America isn’t going to just roll over for these losers.
I thought the constant drumbeat in the background was particularly effective in scaring the crap out of the dumb Klux…
In the back seat of a Royal Deluxe II going 70 MPH
This country is never going back to whatever idea this klansman had in mind. If anything, we’re going to continue to push forward, making the USA a better and fairer place for all. The Trump era will be nothing more than an unfortunate and deeply embarrassing blip in our nation’s history.