Discussion for article #223877
“Moral Foundations of Capitalism”
My new favorite oxymoron.
Most republicans are brats… at the least, there is a large “brat” wing of the republican party…
In fairness, isn’t this really guilt by association? Brat campaigned against the big bank bailouts and the failure to prosecute. So he is either a liar or this article is wrong on that issue. That said, Brat is still the worst kind of Republican- an extreme right winger.
Sounds a lot like Eric Cantor!
A Libertarian AND A Tool
No, it’s the definition of sand.
“Brat Worst”?
I think the professor should keep his day job.
He is also a “True Believer” and the worst kind of “American Taliban” member; i.e. “My Religion should be ENFORCED by the power of the STATE”
The GOP has always replaced one creep with another.
Are you surprised he may be a liar. I’m not - in fact, I’d be willing to bet he is. It’s how “they” roll
Can we all agree to stop using the word “libertarian” when we really mean “opportunist”?
“Brat Worst.”
Do they have bratwurst in Virginia?
Brat is from Michigan, so I know he’ll get the joke…
Professing to be a devotee of Ayn Rand is, in my view, prima facie evidence of stupidity and the lack of even a shred of compassion.
Brat would make an interesting opportunity for his Democratic opponent: he’s against crony capitalism and suspicious of the banking industry, yet his center is funded by BB&T.
He claims that religion is missing from modern life, but is an acolyte of Ayn Rand who is a proponent of selfishness and greed.
He’s a Catholic but some of his ideas are against Catholic social justice doctrine. He’s anti-immigrant but a good deal of Christianity is about welcoming the stranger.
His opponent, however,Trammell doesn’t seem to be in any real position to take him on.
I went to his website and there is barely anything there.
Quite a few banks have liberty in their names. That generally means they treat their customers and the public the way they want to and see liberty as only applying to them (which isn’t unusual in a country that proclaimed liberty while protecting slavery). Brat is apparently a convert to Catholicism but it appears he hasn’t taken the courses on social justice.
“…So when it comes to voting in Congress on bail-outs to banks or on weakening regulations on banks…”
He should abstain. Any true conservative would insist.
A free market libertarian cannot also be a Christian Domionist and that is what Brat, the Paul’s and their ilk are. It’s the old freedom to be but I will tell you what is moral and what you can and cannot do.
It’s really hard to imagine anybody worse than Cantor, no matter how bad they are.
I’d argue that the worst Republican is a reward-in-full christian and a tool of big banks. Still, Brat Worst is great!