Discussion: Dave Brat's Bank-Rolled Evangelism For Ayn Rand On College Campuses

Discussion for article #223811

I don’t care WHO or WHAT I t took to get rid of Eric Cantor. In my 63 years he is one of the ten most despicable politicians I have ever been witness to. NOW, if we can get rid of Mitch McConnell, it would restore my faith in a supreme being.


Even after all these years, I still can’t fathom how anyone out of high school can take Ayn Rand seriously.


Brat–“I’m not a Randian, but I’ve been influenced by her work … especially the parts that enable me to ignore most of Jesus’ teachings.”


Does a videotape exist somewhere of Brat saying “You’re not the boss of me”?

Does Brat have a Brat PAC?

Does Brat think that laws are not like sausages, that it is better to see them made?

Will we, later in the century, be calling the Republican Tea Party members Bratshit insane?

If Brat was to be elected, what is the wurst he could do?

I’ll stop now. I Cantor go on.


It’s kind of obscene that while banks like BB&T can’t seem to pay savers more than a small fraction of 1% in interest, they’ve still got money to burn pushing libertarian ideas on college campuses. So after losing their retirement savings, jobs, and homes, the middle class gets to subsidize the people who think Social Security is an abomination by getting less return on what little is left.

Calling the program “Moral Foundations of Capitalism” is just icing on the cake.


In light of the Bergdahl situation, (or rather the Republican freak out over allegations that Bergdahl is a ‘deserter’), a question for Brat and other Republicans that want to push Rand on their staffers and on students.

Would you recommend that US military forces read ‘Atlas Shrugged’ or other works by Ayn Rand? What sort of values do you think soldiers could learn from reading ‘Atlas Shrugged’?


Props for taking down the rather unlikable Cantor but Brat defending his Rand stand is about as credible as building an economic theory based on ‘Winnie The Pooh’ . . . . .


They do understand that she was an Atheist don’t they?

"The newspapers were filled for months with stories about [a] serial killer called William Hickman, who kidnapped a 12-year-old girl called Marion Parker from her junior high school, raped her, and dismembered her body, which he sent mockingly to the police in pieces. Rand wrote great stretches of praise for him…Rand had only one regret: 'A strong man can eventually trample society under its feet. That boy [Hickman] was not strong enough'…." -- Slate

By all means, let’s educate our children in the tradition of this sick and twisted freak. Maybe some of them will be ‘strong enough’ to commit brutal mass murders that would make even her proud.


And yet in the end Ayn Rand was on Medicaid at the end of her life. For someone who believed that redistribution was the enemy of the state she didn’t turn down a so called socialist program did she? Dave Brat can say all he wants that he is not a Randian, but when it walks like a duck and talks like a duck I think it is a duck.


“why the United States had moved from the land of ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ to the ‘redistributive state.’”

Hmmmmm… I think the King of England and those in the British aristocratic class were thinking the same thing about those damn commoners over in the colonies around about 1776.


“realized that our contributions to universities were not typically being used in our shareholders’ best interest,”
Wow. I thought “Charity was it’s own reward” but what do I know.
Now, they don’t just have to name a building after you, they have to teach what YOU THINK too?
Somewhere along the line, the sociopaths took over Corporate America (right around 1980 when the “Greatest Generation” business owners started to retire/die off.) Now look where it has put us.


One thing that is weird about this whole situation is that Objectivism asserts that altruism is immoral. So any talk of charity or contributions from a Randian is strange. I guess, from there view, it is an investment in propagating their ideology to the next generation, which they apparently believe is important enough to do, even if it might be mistaken for altruism.


And the HITS just keep on comin! Another Ayn Randian advocate!

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The article calls Cato a “conservative think tank.” Actually, it is a radical libertarian front controlled by the Kochs.

This may be the worst thing that could happen to actual fiscal conservatives. If he really is a radical Randian, the Dems may well win the seat. I’m sure the Dems are scouring his writings right now for the most radical statements. Should make for some interesting debates and advertisements.

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Oh dear , a ’ religious ’ nutter ; telling people what they can and cannot read .

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That liberal arts school is a United Methodist affiliated college. Why is he chair of the economics department of a school that supposedly cares about the “least of these”? United Methodists want to know.


Brat looks to be a cross between Cruz, Cantor and RobertLangdon’s hair.

Brat and Randy 2016!