Discussion for article #230299
I’m offended the joke was so bad.
“We will be reviewing our Twitter filter settings,” the restaurant also added.
twitter controversy
I’m so tired of this. Honestly, I think that, so long as there are never any bad consequences, people will do racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic crap like this just to get publicity and then not actually apologize.
Dave & Buster’s should show that they really are apologetic…but they won’t.
They had better hope they didn’t piss off Anonymous as did the KKK.
Call me ignorant, but I don’t understand your outrage here. It was a stupid, sophomoric joke, but the implication was that Hispanic people like tacos and not much more. Again, it was stupid, but “racist”? Culturally insensitive at most. Let’s all of us step back from the PC ledge and stop being so reflexively offended by every off-color remark.
So, wait. Is this offensive because the idea is that people named Juan don’t say they hate tacos? Because the joke is clearly a pun on the name Juan, and I fail to see how that’s remotely controversial.
I hear you, I’ve never met anyone who didn’t like tacos. Bad joke yes… racist, not so much.
I think if people looked down on tacos as an inferior food this might be a disparaging joke, but Mexican food is as popular with everyone as any ethnic food you see out there. It’s mildly stereotypical to suggest that all people named Juan like tacos, I guess, but still. It’s mostly just a flat, lame pun. Which is offensive in itself! Plus I’ve never visited a Dave & Buster’s but I imagine their tacos aren’t much and that’s offensive too. A mediocre taco makes baby Jesus cry.
Puns are known as the lowest form of humor, but hell, I still appreciate them.
My outrage is the fact that we go through this every couple of weeks with someone somewhere. Someone posts a sophomoric joke which relies upon a racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic punchline. Offensive or not. They then apologize for it because “whoops, we didn’t really think this through when we posted it”. The apology is absolutely meaningless, but the whole thing generates publicity.
It’s a lesser form of what you get with, say, Duck Dynasty. It’s the same basic formula- say something that offends/upsets/irritates/outrages someone, apologize, get free publicity, get money.
I’m more outraged at the whole mechanism than I am specifically at Dave & Buster’s, but I really am tired of seeing this happen. It’s below sophomoric and shows a complete lack of self-awareness and a disrespect for others.
I explained my reasons and it has nothing to do with tacos. I love tacos though I typically have to make my own because of the fact that I have celiacs and restaurants often have a cross contamination issue.
Meh. I think it’s pretty stupid to get ginned up over a stupid pun that basically just says that all Mexicans like Mexican food. They should, it’s damn good, and it’s a point of pride I’d imagine. They shouldn’t have apologized.
LOL! Joke so bad it’s funny.
I have to admit to not being offended. I’ll rail until I’m red in the face at the racist shit we have to deal with from the conservatives, Teatrolls, GOPers, southern fucktards, etc., all day long and you’ve seen me do it…everything from freudian slip=ups to deliberate orchestration of legislative oppression…but this? Come on. No really…wtf. Harmless and cheesy play on words and play on the “said no one ever” meme, and only slightly off-color, so to speak, in terms of cultural/ethnic reference or stereotyping. If you’re offended by this, you must suck at parties and your panties are too tight.
Exactly. It’s a pun. It not implying anything bad about Hispanics…tacos…or Mexican food in general. It’s not like it’s the Frito Bandito. (Or am I dating myself?..then again, I am nice with a good sense of humor )
So, you’re the one!
Because of you I have to be bombarded with thousands of commercials claiming that bread and especially gluten are bad for you. And listen to the idiot freakout over the dangers of gluten that acompanies it.
All because one person in million has celiacs.
Do us all a favor and shut up about gluten!
IMO it wouldn’t hurt us to confine our outrage more to blatantly egregious comments, and less to bad humor. There’s so much of both that it seems like it would be easy to just ignore the latter.
I suspect you’re being sarcastic here. I can’t always tell unless I know someone pretty well.
I don’t actually care if people eat wheat so long as I can eat my alternatives. It’s forced me to learn to cook…I actually make a few really great dishes.
There is no right not to be offended.