Discussion: Daughter Defends Police Commissioner Who Called Obama The N-Word: He's Just 'Curmudgeonly'

Discussion for article #222957

Some of his best friends are black.


cur·mud·geon noun (ˌ)kər-ˈmə-jən
: a person (especially an old man) who is easily annoyed or angered and who often complains


Probably not a 2 way relationship though.

I hated Bush and felt like he was destroying the country. Which racial epithet should I have used for him? Hmmmm…


Fox News lights the barn cat’s tail on fire and sets it free. If it runs into the barn and the barn burns down–well, how were they to know tragedy would follow?

Not their intention at all. They just wanted to light the barn cat’s tail on fire.


No sweetie; he’s a dinosaur who’s dying.


“He is one of the most loving individuals.”

Just like these folks here: http://tinyurl.com/ot4bn7w

He was just having a bad day, right Kim?:

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“We all told him, ‘Dad you should have been more careful. What were you thinking?’” Kimberly Silacci told the Herald. “But I really feel he was so misrepresented. … Don’t we all know a curmudgeonly old individual who uses some colorful language at times?”

Ah, the old “he don’t know no better” defense of racism. A person who isn’t racist would never call someone a “nigger”, let alone have parameters for what constitutes a “nigger”.
Also, if Barack Obama is a “nigger” to you then none of the rest of us has a chance of being anything but a “nigger” to you too. If an Ivy league educated, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, a US Senator and first black president of the US can be reduced down to you as nothing more than a racial epithet then each and every one of the rest of us are “niggers” too.


“My father is by no means a racist. … He is one of the most loving individuals.”

“As of 1959, which was the last time that [the Tuskegee Institute’s] annual Lynch Report was published, a total of 4,733 persons had died as a result of lynching since 1882.” That’s a whole lot of love, Kim.


“Don’t we all know a curmudgeonly old individual who uses some colorful language at times?”

I sure do, but he’s usually at the Thanksgiving table, not in charge of a police department.


Pops was just having a bad day, normally he calls em black sumbitches.


I don’t think “dumbass” qualifies as a racial slur.

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He and Donald Sterling can room together at the old curmudgeons’ home.


Don’t we all know a curmudgeonly old individual who uses some colorful language at times?”

OK, - I’m over the age of 50. If I were to call her an ignorant, White “c-word” then I’d be given a pass just because I’m old? Obviously, that wouldn’t happen. I’d be slammed as a foul-mouthed racist.


Exactly. Your elderly relative complaining about the length of skirts, or guys with long hair? Fine, curmudgeonly. Calling people racial slurs? Racist, regardless of age.


ms. silacci, clearly you are a devoted and loyal daughter, two traits of which I am normally appreciative. however, the fact is, that using a racial slur, to express your deep displeasure with/dislike of someone, is something a racist does. sadly, your dad is a racist. I know, none of us wants to think our parents are horrible people, or have horrible personality traits, so I understand your instinctive refusal to accept this. the reality however, is that, absent some kind of teaching moment, not-racists do not use racist terms, to describe people they deeply dislike/distrust. it just isn’t done.


Yeah, yeah. Hitler was a dog lover and Stalin was a family man, too. Sorry honey, that doesn’t cut it.


In Copeland’s defense he did not use the word "uppity’ once.


I know; the comment was from Silacci. I forgot to blockquote it.