Shrub’s press secretary. I’m not sure any amount of truth telling now, Dana, will make up for that. But A for effort.
Oh, no, you didn’t, Dana ! “Slap down” ? Eric “Boobs on the ground” Bolling ? A knee in the groin is the very least, you can do…
Dana phrases it as “not lying”, but really she just does not want to be stupidly, obviously WRONG.
GOP = Math/Science/Facts/Reality is hard.
GOP = “Math/Science/Facts/Reality is a liberal conspiracy”
Trumpsters go to the rallies for a chance to see a beat-down. It’s blood lust.
Congratulations Dana, a passing acquaintance with the truth is better than none at all…but just barely. You’re still a rightwing shill.
This may well be the very first time in her entire life that Perino told the truth about anything.
“when Mitt Romney supporters argued polls that showed him losing were wrong and then felt “so mad and disappointed” on Election Day.”
Feature, not a bug. I am convinced this time around that they’re going to go whole-hog on the “rigging”, “voter fraud” and “stolen election” thing in a deliberate attempt to generate reactionary violence when Trump and down-ballot GOPers/Teatrolls lose. Propagating a belief that the polls are nothing more than the “cover” for such schemes is merely part of the seditious incitement.
Debunk away Dana.
I still despise you.
…didn’t we go thru all this in 2012? If you’re going to be an unhinged maniac, at least come up with some new material. This shit’s stale.
The fixation with crowd size is bizarre. Probably 1/3 of the people are there just to witness a train wreck and have no intention of voting for Trump. If elections are decided by crowd size, they should just nominate someone like Beyonce.
Last phase of the White Privilege Scorched-Earth Policy-- on the way-out-the-door.
We have to weather this to get to the promised land of Reality.
When Dana Perino offers a reality check it’s either a sign that some Republicans are finally entering the real world or that many Republicans are now even more delusional.
Unfortunately, it’s the latter.
Not having cable, and only having been exposed to FoxNews each month when going to the barber shop, I can only ask, are they always this breathtakingly clueless? Or was this just a highlights clip?
Has he ever looked at the size of a Clinton rally?
They are always at least this clueless. They pride themselves on their ignorance.
Brother, I have it in my cable package, but have the good sense to never flip to it.
Trusting my online sources for the Cliff’s Notes version.
Staving off assimilation is my hope.
“They’re insane with these polls,” Bolling continued, as someone just out-of-frame sighed heavily. “Just look at what’s going on. You look at a Trump rally, and there’s 12, 15, 10,000 people –”
That blurry picture is from a Dukakis Rally in San Francisco. The video is thankfully on C-Span.
Edited…I need a geography book now…uggh.