Discussion: Dan Patrick's Tea Party Story Texas

Discussion for article #223708

“In the runoff beat Dewhurst decisively in a 65 percent to 35 percent.”-----------> yes but the overall turnout for the election was only 3.5% of registered voters,r’s & d’s-3.1%.tt

VanDePutte has to hone her message on the fact as Patrick states, mexicanAmericans by & large want illegal immigration stopped. she has to address this.


A true GOTP ‘hero’… Patrick welched on $800k of personal debt. Oops.


Look forward to seeing more “TEXAS” bumper-stickers with a swastika in place of the “X”


Now I know why Ted Cruz is so gung-ho yee-haw DUHHHHH…

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Patrick is a one-issue moron. Like Cruz, that means he’s unbeatable in TX and unelectable nationwide. Unlike Cruz, he’s stupid, which plays well in TX but, again, makes him meaningless outside the state. INSIDE the state, it means we who live here have to deal with his sorry ass.


Having spent an over night trying to LEAVE Houston IAH terminal B, this is the last place I’d choose to live or visit. Ever. again.

Did I say this is a poorly designed terminal? Who ever heard of 4 turnstiles for 6-8 gates. You wait in a huge area outside and away from your gate. Incessant loud music and multiple announcements all jumbled over everyone else’s speech. Bad bad. design. Frigging Texas…
3 trips through IAH in 4 days every one delayed. DON’T FLY UNITED AIRLINES

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Wow. You mean Shit-Kickers are ignorant racists who will vote against their own economic interests just to hurt NON-WHITE people while championing the interests of the Wealthy who abuse and exploit them? Someone get Richard Nixon on the phone. He needs to hear about this. Why, you could base and entire National Political Party on this!
You could even call it: The G.O.P. (Greedy. Old. Plutocrats)


I live in Houston and fly in/out of Houston IAH once a year generally.I never fly with more than a carry-on bag and catch a shuttle from a parking lot in/out of the Terminal. Flew United to/from Philadelphia last year. I only had a carry-on. I had no problems. Those with checked bags had problems. United baggage handlers brutalize checked bags. Flying US Airways to/from Newport News,VA next week. Carry-on bag only. Wish me luck.

I am flying to Newark from Los Angeles the end of the month but decided to spend more money and go on Virgin America. I heard it is one of the better airlines. I am checking my bag.

I opted against United even though Newark is their hub because my flights have been canceled so many times on Newark and if they treat the baggage anything like they treat their passengers, no thanks

Oh and as far as this story goes, its Texas. What do we expect?

I do carry on as well for a variety of reasons. I don’t mean all Texans are bad. Don’t take my rant that way. It’s just that we’ve had a 12 hour delay going from Tucson to Cincinnati on June 6th and stuck here in Houston last night trying to get home. The agents have used every excuse but the honest ones. They are surly which given circumstances is understandable . The design of terminal B is worse than poor. I have the language to describe it but i don’t use those words in public.

I wish you luck on your trip and hope you aren’t using IAH airport.

Fly Southwest when practical. Those guys know what they’re doing.

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I need an aisle seat when flying. Can’t always get that on Southwest. For the last 10 years,all of my out-of-states flights have been to cities that Southwest doesn’t fly too either. Believe me,I’d much rather fly out of Hobby than IAH but it doesn’t usually work out that way.

I hadn’t heard that. Googled it. Truth. 816K AND he changed his name after that, apparently to stiff the creditors.

Hah! Great candidate!!!

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Once again, we have a case of a member of the New York media oversimplifying Texas politics. The author says the Tea Party pretty much is the Republican Party in Texas, but he neglects to mention that the Texas House is run by centrist Republicans who are fighting dark money - particularly from a group that backs Tea Party lawmakers. House Speaker Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, owes his seat to those centrists and to support from virtually all House Democrats. In many ways, he has served as a counterweight to Rick Perry.
Oh and btw, the business wing of the state’s Republican Party is pretty pissed about the renewed refusal to do anything about immigration. They they know they have people who are on the job illegally and the current state of affairs puts them in a terrible position.
A little more nuance, please.

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You decided that you hate an entire state because of a bad experience at an airport? Really? You’re saying things about yourself that perhaps you don’t intend.


I remember when Dan Patrick was just a terrible and annoying sportscaster on a Houston TV station.

Now, thanks to the American Dream, he can aspire to be a terrible and annoying person statewide, and perhaps, eventually, on the national stage.

Isn’t America great?

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Intercontinental airport was built in the 1960s. At the time, the design was rather forward-thinking, with a central hub at each terminal with passenger services, and a spoke at each corner that led to six gates for planes.

In fact, the airport was so “furturistic” that parts of the film Futureworld were shot there.

Unfortunately, that design was a bad design for security stemming from the hijacking problem of the early 1970s, and it’s the worst possible design for post-9/11 airport security, as each spoke requires its own security and once you get past it, you’ve only got access to six gates. Moving elsewhere, or even getting something to eat, required going back out of the secured area and going through security again.

So they’ve modified the airport a few times over the years, and now, 45 years later, the airport is a gigantic kludge.

That said, I wouldn’t judge Texas on a few hours at IAH. Not defending Texas; just saying that’s not a representative sample.

BTW - if you are stuck at IAH, you can get a really good burger and a decent Martini at Urban Crave, a tiny little hole in the wall across from gate 33C.

What’s with the discussion of airport terminals have to do with Texas politics? Jeez.