Discussion for article #243833
If negative attention is better than none, why isn’t Jeb ! doing better? I guess he meant negative as in xenophobic. The bigots love that hate. Trump is willing to sell anything even though he really doesn’t care about any of it.
Jesus Christ, these people want a racist, substance-less, egotistical billionaire troll leading the free world, and their response when asked why amounts to “uuuhhhhhh, because, like, uhhhh, he says crazy things and stuff and like reasons.”
If America ever fails, look at these people. They’d be why.
Me (a disabled American) to Those People in that group: Fuck you! Some of the best people I’ve ever met in my 50 years on this planet were Jewish, Muslims, disabled, Chinese, Mexicans, and on and on. Fuck each and every single one of you. You are, by far, what is wrong with this nation. I just hope we can contain you fucks.
One hundred “Likes” for that statement.
One observation of Trump supporters: They are angry white people (mostly men) who couldn’t pass 9th grade US History and like my dog they believe negative attention is better than no attention.
Gee, I wonder which World War came about as a result of a wild talking charismatic leader who fed the people white racist Nationalism? Two guesses and the 2nd one doesn’t count!
People - please start reading books and stop listening to right wing talk radio and Fox news for just 30 days. Then come back and report what you learned.
Another participant said, “Negative attention sometimes is a good thing. It’s better than no attention at all.”
So true. When I'm at a party and I'm ignored, no one wanting to talk to me, I'll drop my pants and shit on the host's floor. Works every time.
I was a little taken aback, though, by the fact that at least three of the people in that focus group are not white (maybe half white but certainly were of mixed race). They were just as stupid as everyone else there. Totally agree about having everyone pick up some history books and do some studying.
Well, for a man of short stature, I’m a bit well-endowed. It’s an optical illusion because I’m actually “average,” but when no one is paying me any attention I’ll whip it out to get the conversation started. I can’t shit on demand – you are a talented man, steviedee111.
“Negative attention sometimes is a good thing. It’s better than no attention at all.”
A sullen teenager?
She had me at “vast majority.”
Numbers, what is they?
That’s a bunch of “Good Germans” (Hunter S Thompson tm) right there.
Actors being paid to say these things ?
WOW, just Wow. Not ashamed in the slightest of their ignorant racist support for an ignorant racist asshole becoming POTUS. So this is what we’ve come to. Its disgusting to say the least.
If these were the kinds of people supporting me, I’d look for something else to do. You must be doing something wrong if this is what you are attracting.
Just say Thank you Robert Murdoch and Roger Ailes . The dumbing down of America has succeeded beyond your wildest dreams, Not only did you dumb down your audience but you succeeded in dragging the whole News reporting world down with you ,Ratings over Substance , blandly accepting bald face lies with no follow up. They are all Faux Light now
The exact numbers are YUUUUUUGE!!
Not even kind-of. You should watch some of the earlier ones. They will make you lose faith in mankind.
And now a musical interlude from these fruitcakes and nutjobs:
Edit: had to remove the video from YouTube because NBC is being such jerks about letting anyone post it online at this time. Here’s a link from HuffPo tho:
This is just so good. Its worth watching.
Remember, good always triumphs over evil in the end, and let the Force be with you.