Discussion: 'Daily Show' Defends Beyoncé's Super Bowl Show 'Full Of Black Girl Magic' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #245738

Thank you, Jessica Williams! You nailed it!!


JW is the very best!


The number of angry white people calling her some version of slut, whore, or tramp on social media yesterday was astounding. We live in a very sick and twisted country.


But we already knew that, right?

Didn’t Ghouliani and that geezer from the House think first about how their comments would appear? Old, out of touch white guys criticizing a young, successful black woman? Or am i expecting too much?

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An old white man in my house was upset that Lady Gaga didn’t wear “a nice outfit” to sing the national anthem. I tried to explain to him that, for her, the outfit she wore was extremely conservative.

I guess the point is, crabbers gonna crab.


I don’t understand why that black Daily Show correspondant had to bring race into her commentary.

I asked all my white friends and relatives and we unanimously agreed that we don’t even see race when we deal with another person, especially if that person is black.


Jessica Williams is one of the best talents to come out of The Daily Show. I think if she had a couple more years under her belt, she would definitely have been the one to take over The Daily Show.

I’m looking forward to the day when black pop stars are paying homage to heroes like Ralph Bunche and Booker T. Washington rather than Malcolm X and the Black Panther Party. Seize the Time, indeed!