Discussion: Daily Caller Uses Nonexistent Doc To Claim Bill Clinton Praised Holocaust Denier

Discussion for article #232144

“It didn’t even enter my mind that he would go ahead with the story, even after my warning,” [David Cole] told Alternet. "I mean, he’s a reporter for one of the top conservative sites in the nation, right? You’re going to write a story about a U.S. president sending a commendation letter to a ‘Holocaust denier’ without actually asking to see the letter? Who would do that?”

Um, a reporter for one of the top conservative sites in the nation, that’s who. Because of course they would.


The Daily Caller has never actually given a rat$ a$$ as to the reliability of their sources. Why do you think they would suddenly start now? There will be no correction.


Exactly. You don’t get a job as a reporter for one of the top conservative sites in the nation because of journalistic integrity and professional skill.


Facts? We don’t need no stinking FACTS! We have a DEADLINE TO MAKE!

As an aside, can anyone explain exactly what the point of Zoominfo is? As far as I can tell it exists solely to fill up my search results with useless garbage thereby making it impossible to find what I’m actually looking for. I’m guessing they somehow make money off of suckers like Howley.

Howley noted that Feiler, the man supposedly connecting Clinton to Cole, is dead.

Implying, in true ‘Clinton Chronicles’ fashion, that Bill had him murdered.

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The sad thing is this is what passes for a serious news web site on the right.

A lot of folks in here attributing this crap to the fact it was a right leaning website. That’s BS. Just about any modern journalistic enterprise would do this. The difference would be the subject of the BS. It will be a Left leaning person or idea if the miscarriage is on a right leaning site and a Right leaning person or idea if the site leans to the Left. It’s true, as least in my experience, the Righty sites have a greater propensity for this stuff but they are not alone in doing it.

I just had a long media debate with a mixed group of Conservatives and Liberals over just this thing. In this case the topic was Sandra Fluke and her testimony to the US House. In preparation for it I asked they bring in info on that affair from their preferred information sources to use in the debate. It got heated as you can imagine but what I found interesting is that while the Conservatives were all about her sex life and such the Liberals too repeated many of the Conservative fabrications as fact. Everyone in that debate ( lefties and righties ) in one fashion or the other suggested one of Fluke’s demands was some form of government subsidy for birth control medication. Conservatives said she wanted free BC so she could screw a lot and Liberals that she thought the government should subsidize BC to help poor people. Screw a lot I guess.

What was interesting was that although I had asked they bring information for the debate not a damn one actually viewed the tape of Ms. Fluke’s testimony. It’s right there on YouTube and is only about 12 minutes long. They all relied on information sources they were comfortable with and not a damn one of them knew shit about what she really said. Fluke of course never mentions the government, subsidizing BC or the use of BC for contraception by her or anyone else. As soon as Limbaugh fabricated a recount of Fluke’s testimony ( with help from FOX ) the entire media in one way or the other went along with the “government paying for BC” thing. Liberal to an extent and Conservative whole hog. Next week Ill find out what they have to say after viewing the actual testimony.

The media likes to say “they all do it”. Maybe, but they sure as hell ‘all do it’ too.

My point is that no matter what you read…it’s probably got a lot of shit in it. Sites like Raw Story and C and L were so full of crap I stopped reading them long ago ( and I like Lefty stuff ). So if you are concerned about a piece of legislation: read the damn bill and forgo the FOX / MSNBC back and forth about it. The same goes for any political topic. Look at the thing and not a media jerks depiction of it. If you are looking for facts in the media you are probably asking for trouble. Any media.

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That Tucker Carlson runs one helluva website.

That’s one example, and not a very detailed one, and not really comparable. Your example cites laziness by “both sides” - I don’t know if, at the time, that laziness was exhibited across ALL or even MOST left-wing sites. I don’t have time for links and analysis, but I am sure that the amount of sheer fabrication in service of the extreme right-wing agenda on right-wing sites is hundreds of times what it is on C and L, Kos, or other left-wing sites, or in moderate-to-left sites such as TPM. The extreme right-wing “news” media is like Louie Gohmert’s brain - no amount of insanity or level of falsehood succumbs to facts. There really is no left-wing equivalent of Gohmert or the right-wing media - name me a left-wing, responsible site that consistently reports and invents falsehoods, revises history, and throws out slander in the way that Daily Caller or RedState does.

You know that joke about the rube who goes to New York City and gets conned into buying the Brooklyn Bridge? Howley’s got THREE of them!