Discussion: Cuomo: I Don't Know Enough About Ebola To Comment On It (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #229070

Funny in respect to how all the Republicans seem to know all about it…


That hasn’t stop the Republicans.


Who will be the first GOP talking head to level criticism at Mr. Cuomo for not fear mongering?

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I think.

Sleezeball doesn’t give a shit about public health. He’s trying to figure out which know-nothing stance positions him best for a 2016 run. And the most ridiculous part of all is that he’s already completely and permanently out of the running and doesn’t realize it.


Ignorance never stopped a conservo from spouting off on any matter.

[quote=“borisjimbo, post:7, topic:11921, full:true”]
Ignorance never stopped a conservo from spouting off on any matter. [/quote] And then blaming Obama for their collective, intentional ignorance.

Better than Rand Paul saying it is highly contagious just being around a person with early symptoms. Even his own father said he didn’t know what he was talking about.

I love that Mark Halperin, who I am sure knows even less about Ebola than Cuomo decided to ask that question. LOL

Is there a reported case of Ebola in New York? Even then, the governor’s opinion would matter little.

If there is not a reported case of Ebola in New York, this interview is not newsworthy. You would do better chasing down Governor Rick Perry for an interview.

Good response by Cuomo, however.

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That’s probably the most intelligent thing I’ve ever heard a politician say on any subject.