This is a good example of the impulse-driven nature of Trump supporters. Lash out at the perceived enemy or anything close in appearance or name. Refuse to listen to facts. Be consistent and proud in your own ignorance and aggression (and ignorant aggression).
Even Trump identified the correct restaurant in his tweet, FFS.
Although, he probably had a lot of help with that part.
The Trumpwits are almost as good at geography as they are at civics.
The United Turds of the Septic Tank can’t even agree on which washing machine they’re angry with.
Trump’flaming idiocy in insulting the VA eatery that turned awsy Sanders is gonna get someone injured or killed. He should think about that before insulting a privately owned business. Trump’s minions have a penchant for violence. We have seen it at his rallies. And if someone does come to grief it should be laid at trump’s feet. legally
I miss the good ol’ days when a tan suit was derisive.
as long as they don’t serve coffee made with keurig and keep wearing their made in china MAGA hats - INDOORS, they’ll do just dandy
The CT branch of Aryan Nation or whoever is doing this just ain’t too bright.
Further evidence that conservatives are programmed members of a cult.
Oh, good gawd. This isn’t confusion. This is pure ignorance. Again.
These people must have a hell of a time with mildly demanding tasks, like booking plane tickets or replacing a light switch. I just hope they’re not out there yelling at actual red hens.
Look out, KFC! Hähnchen-nacht is on the horizon. Or should I say “menu”?
Sheesh! Hope they don’t serve pizza and have a kiddie porn op in the basement.
Good thing that an interstate right-wing conspiracy is by definition nonexistent. Because otherwise some folks would be getting visits from federal agents.
The bizarre part is that when these flaming ignorant morons are confronted with their complete error & that they have wrongly accused a totally unconnected entity - they double down … they make even more unsupportable stupid statements about the unassociated restaurant.
Can I answer the phone?
“Anytime you gutless cowards wanna show up. Come on ahead.”
This is the SECOND state where these dumb fuckers have tried to harass the Red Hen and it’s STILL the wrong one. There’s one in New Jersey that’s getting shit from them too.
Thankfully, there are these kinds of people too.
Answering Machine at the Red Hen
“Thank you for calling the Red Hen. We’re pleased to receive your phone call. Our hours are (list hours) We’ve had to go to an answering machine because we’ve been getting rude calls from Trumpholes who just want to swear at us or call us names, We are really not too worried about them showing up and ruining your dining experience for three main reasons. First off all, we’ve cleaned out pumpkins that have more guts than them. Second, they couldn’t afford to eat here even if we let them stick around. Third, they are unbelievably dumb. Seriously. They can’t even get mad at the right restaurant. BEEP”