Discussion: Cruz Wins Presidential Straw Poll At GOP Summit

Discussion for article #223372

Hillary is quaking in her boots thinking about the lineup the Republicans have waiting for her. LOL


This had to be the dumbass side of the repugs at this conference.


The line-up of GOTP candidates for 2016 will be traveling from town to town in a clown car. Cruz being the Clown-in-Chief.


…and who was the last straw poll winner of anything GOP?


$ister$arah’s and Sanctimonious’ endorsements coming soon…


Either way, the American voter is fucked:
Bush for 8 years
Obama for 8 years
Hillary for 8 more years
A Republican in the WH.

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“Cruz promised delegates Saturday to continue to lie his ass off as part of his uncompromising approach on Capitol Hill.”

All better now.


“he was probably the best choice.” Or so we thought.

Yes, personal integrity would be nice in a president but you’re right it’s been awhile.

Looks like Cruz is following in the footsteps of his childhood hero Ronald Reagan and he and the TeaParty can’t wait to run on his legacy.

Reagan was the first guy to give Dick Cheney a job in Washington. Enough said about showcasing his presidential legacy as anything but incredibly irresponsible and insane. Reagan is best known for having a closer relationship with all things Muslim and terrorist than even Bin Lauden.

The Baby Boomers fondly remember Reagan as the old guy who ended their youthful dreams, Her presided over a super high inflation rate which rose to over 18.5% making the best home loans an average of 17% fixed rate. He cancelled all middle class tax breaks except mortgage interest. Reagan made an arms deal with Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini (who had previously held 52 American diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days at our embassy in Tehran) to finance an illegal Contra guerrilla war in Nicaragua. Taxpayers had to bail out the Savings and Loan industry during his term for fraud just like Bush did for Wall Street banks with the TARP in 2008. And best of all…Reagan did absolutely nothing after Muslim terrorists killed 299 American and French servicemen in a Marne barracks bombing in Lebanon in 1983 except cut tail and run.

Those age 55 and younger don’t remember Reagan at all but have heard of how infantile and senile he acted towards the end of his second term…just like most Republicans do in office today with their government shutdowns and never ending gridlock with Senate filibusters.

Ah yes, the good old days of conservatism? Cruz can go ahead and run on the Reagan record if he likes. It won’t get him any further than Jeb trying to rehabilitate the Bush/Cheney Era of failure.

Makes you wonder why the GOP can’t run on something that the American people want for a change. How about ending foreign tax shelters for the Top 1%, outsourcing American middle class jobs and corporate tax breaks for Job Creators who don’t invest profits back into the USA any longer, you Cuban Canadian dual citizen?


Without the danger that a black Democratic President might get credit, Republicans would have fallen all over themselves trying to spend us out of the mess they made. As it was, they did their best to make it worse and blame him.

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We’ll be the judge of that for ourselves.

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Is there any other side?

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Oh, please please PLEASE…

Okay, let’s try this again: We had two choices, Darcy. One was for Obama and one was for McCain. Given those parameters, Obama wasn’t probably the best choice – he WAS the best choice! And the people chose him again when the other choice was a Ken Doll with a bitchy Princess Barbie as his spouse… once again, because he WAS the best choice!

Now, please go back to stuffing envelopes for Bernie Sanders, because the adults are trying to have a conversation.


Do Republicans just hold a straw poll whenever they get bored?


Assuming she runs, the only guess about outcome will be whether she wears a dress or a pantsuit to her inauguration.

Let’s flash back to the same time period prior to the 2012 election and reflect upon the conservative flash-in-the-pain saviors who were … all so briefly … deemed the “leading candidate” for the Republican nomination for POTUS:
Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Herm Cain, Ron Paul, … Donald Trump.

Teddy “Joseph M” Cruz is simply the latest iteration of a POTUS wannabe doomed for the scrap pile of tea party has-beens.

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“pantsuit”? OMG, what would the NYC fashion world say! As long as Hillary isn’t wearing lots of very red lipstick and a beret, I’m sure we can all get through her inauguration.

A gown in a lovely shade of blue is my guess, and First Dude, well, he’ll wear a big smile.

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