These two guys are bashing each other mercilessly in order to come in in second place.
He has no problem with conservative New York Values like greed, ruthlessness and materialism.
Ummmmmmmmmm…‘American values’ are the ones I hold but LIBERAL values are the ones New Yorkers hold and I only care about when my wife brings home her paycheck (and health insurance). Otherwise, I just flap my lips and whistle to the base…’
Yeah, he’s gone from dog whistle to bull horn tryingg to get the upstate NY’ers vote. He actually might be successful with that.
I’m gonna enjoy this fight between the creepy Southern religious bigot and the vulgar big city libertine.
The fricking heathens in NYC go to art museums and live plays, also. That fact alone proves they possess values at odds with 90% of the country!!! Oh, the humanity!!
Well, the only thing I’ll say here is that if it’s any consolation, Ted, we liberals knew what you meant the first time, asshole.
“Cruz: When I Attacked ‘New York Values,’ I Meant The Liberal Ones.”
“Not the Wall Street ones.”
Translation: the vote in NY wasn’t supposed to actually matter.
Dumbfuck Evangelical: What ah lahk bout Cruz is he says what he means an he means what he says. He ain’t no mealy mouthed librul wimp.
Cruz really needs a Walter Sobchak moment and be informed that he is truly out of his element in NYC.
Boy, I agree. It’s one thing when Rump is out in South Cackalacky trying to prove his “bona fides” but when he’s in NY, I have a feeling it’s gonna be no holds barred for him.
EDIT TO ADD: I wonder if Carnival will bust out his espanol since he’s in da Bronx.
That’s why they are called “New York values”, asshole. Because they ARE liberal ones! You’re not in Kansas anymore, fuckface, but I really wish someone would drop a house on your sorry ass.
He hates on teh gayz…until a gay hotelier writes a substantial check.
He hates New York values…until he needs New York votes.
Cardinal rule - if his lips are moving, he is lying.
This guy has a snowballs chance in hell of winning anything in NYK. He is so far down he can’t go any lower. Trump will probably kick ass in NYK in the GOPer primary. Good. I want that asshole to get the most votes and win the nomination
Cruz: I also love LGBT. In fact, I am one, so is my wife.
Such a fine, Christian man. No, wait!!!
I am from Texas…and Ted is a toad…