Discussion for article #244937
Sorry, Ted, but if in the absolute remote chance you became President you would have to take the oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, saying “I am a Christian first, American second…” would be contrary to that oath. And disqualify you…
“I’m a Liar first, Confidence-man second, conservative third and Republican fourth,” Cruz said, as quoted by Politico. “I’ll tell ya, there are a whole lot of people in this country that feel exactly the same way about me”
Shorter Cruz: “I can fool some of the people all of the time.”
“I’m a Christian first, American second, conservative third and Republican fourth,” Cruz said, as quoted by Politico.
“I’m a Catholic first,…”
I’m a Jew first,…"
I’m a Muslim first,…"
Yeah, that works.
Scumbag’s angling for #2–praying Trump flames out.
“I’m a Christian first, American second, conservative third and Republican fourth,” Cruz said, as quoted by Politico.
It's very disappointing personal traits #6>10 didn't get enumerated. If this is a demonstration of Cruz's list making abilities remind me never to send him to the grocery.
Merry Christmas!!!
Establishment is now pushing for: Trump/Rubio (they STILL think “little boy” Rubio can help them w/Latino voters)
They KNOW they cannot stop Trump now, so they have to jump on board and try to “bend the curve” as much as they can before the general contest starts.
Trump however, is not on board with them. He made a big coup getting the “Wasilla Hillbilly” to endorse him, so big that Cruz frantically rolled out Glen Beck as “HIS” big endorsement. Pitiful.
Trump has now cut Cruz off at the knees by getting the Iowa Gov. to go after him on Ethanol subsidies, and the Evangelicals are slowly waking up to his Goldman Sachs connections.
Cruz is SO universally reviled by the “Establishment” that they are now taking a “Better the Devil you know” approach and embracing the fact that Trump is a Billionaire who thinks like they do and has mouthed all the requisite talking points about lowering taxes on the wealthy and corporations and rescinding regulations.
They WILL make peace with Trump and throw their considerable $$$ behind his candidacy, no matter what bleating you hear from the Bush camp.
WHAT !!!,How outrageous is that Ted ? ROFLMAO.
So, the “New York values” backfires, let’s move on to “Washington Establishment.” New York, Washington, New York, Washington. Good luck with that.
The real issue behind any such moves…and there is scanty evidence of a big Establishment move into Trump’s camp…is because they know that a Trump Presidency will need them to show him the ropes and to get things done in Congress.
A Cruz Presidency will see them all frozen out for lack of political purity.
It’s a self preservation mechanism, nothing more.
These United States Senators vying to be the most anti, anti, anti-establishment candidate reminds me that this election may be the most mind numbingly stupid election of my lifetime.
“These United States Senators vying to be the most anti, anti, anti-establishment candidate reminds me that this election may be the most mind numbingly stupid election of my lifetime.”
It’s always been the case that a party primary campaign is different, more ideological than a general campaign; for any party. But for the GOP that difference has become truly vast. How can anyone switch gears that radically?
“I’m a Christian first, American second, conservative third and Republican fourth,” Cruz said, as quoted by Politico. “I’ll tell ya, there are a whole lot of people in this country that feel exactly the same way.”
Yes, and we suspected as much, Ted. Why don’t you and your ilk do the nation–and yourselves–a favor … and go to Heaven! Bye!
Ted Cruz: 1) Christian; 2) Canadian; 3) Cuban.
What has “the establishment” ever done for us?
You know, I don’t consider him a conservative, actually…
“I’ll tell ya, there are a whole lot of people in this country that feel exactly the same way.”
Not 51 % of em. This is rather funny. Cruz is in the same water and using the same bait as Trump but wants us to believe he’s trying to catch a different fish? He’ll take the “the Establishment” in a Texas heartbeat if he can get it.
I think the “establishment” expects either candidate to lose badly in the general election, and figures it can do better after a Trump wipe-out than a Cruz defeat. They view Trump as a one-off fluke, but Cruz as somebody who would put the most ideologically committed Tea Party purists in control of the party.
San Francisco is wondering where da love went?