Discussion: Cruz Wants A Say On Republican Platform At July Convention

“A little to the right. And narrower.”


Bless his heart. Ted must think he belongs to a party of the big tent when in fact only drumpf fits under it…


I want a pet dragon.


Apparently… Bernie does too…

The Donald should be open to changing to the gold standard. Might as well go all in.

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Judeo-Christian principles, the values that built this country, and that is exactly what I intend to fight for."

“The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”

~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams


You have not heard? Drumpf which translates to trump card was the family name when they came from Germany years and years ago. John Oliver explained it.

The platform is a manifestation of what we believe as a party, and I think it is important that it continue to reflect conservative values, free-market values, constitutional liberties, Judeo-Christian principles, the values that built this country, and that is exactly what I intend to fight for.

The platform is a manifestation of what we believe as a party, and I think it is important that it continue to reflect conservative values, free-market values, constitutional lunacies, pseudo-Christian principles, the values that bilked this country, and that is exactly what I intend to fight for.



This is good. Because sure, the platform is a vacuous document that no one really cares about (and thus a good thing for Cruz to be focusing on instead of doing real harm). But usually a party’s candidate will at least pretend to subscribe to the platform. And when people start asking Trump about the weirder parts of it, that will have an effect on both the presidential and the downballot races.

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Please proceed, Senator.


“…Judeo-Christian principles, the values that built this country…”

So true. I don't think I've ever seen a Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic, Wiccan, Hindu or Sikh pick up a hammer in my entire life.

Trying to belittle Trump by calling him Drumpf is just name calling and a total waste of time. John Oliver should know better than that.It might make the name-caller feel good, but it’s a cheap feeling.


I think they absolutely should let Rafael in on it.

I never remember a thing about either party’s platforms except the more outrageous planks from time to time.

Not as far as I’m concerned!!


It’s the Big Top and Donny is their Ring Leader.

Even Barnum and Baileys finally wised up and stopped including elephants in their show.

Lil Ted is now just a stale circus peanut in the bottom of a dollar store grab bag…

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Wasn’t there another “concerned” poster who objected to the name yesterday?


“The platform is a manifestation of what we believe as a party [misanthropy], and I think it is important that it continue to reflect conservative values [greed], free-market values [destruction of the middle class], constitutional liberties [guns, not uteri], Judeo-Christian principles [indiscriminate slaughter], the values that built this country [slavery], and that is exactly what I intend to fight for [because my daddy anointed me King of America].”

From International Business Times:

“The Donald’s grandfather was a German immigrant named Frederick Drumpf who emigrated to the U.S. in 1885 and became a naturalized citizen in 1892.At some point, he started calling himself “Frederick Trump,” but it is unclear if he ever changed his name officially. Some have speculated that he didn’t want to be known as “Drumpf” because of prevailing prejudice against Germans (which would heighten, of course, during World War I).”

Yet Herr Drumpf has no problem leveraging prevailing prejudice against Muslims and Latinos. No, he’s Drumpf all right.


Sure, and they can have Sanders, too.