Discussion: Cruz To Debut Campaign Ads When Fox Airs 'Killing Jesus' This Weekend

Discussion for article #235003

Would you want to leave your child, grandchild, dog or cat, aged parent alone with Ted?

The photo would be a great campaign poster for the Dems…


Cruz’s campaign told the Washington Post that they decided to buy ads for this weekend due to the number of conservatives who would be watching the religious programs.

“For the impact, it’s crazy not to buy this,” a campaign adviser told the Post.

I don’t know about the rest of you you, but when I think about Holy Week, and the Passion of the Christ, my mind immediately turns to the joy of anticipation of watching political propaganda.


I just want to know one thing…how is buying campaign ad space for Easter 2015 suppose to help someone get elected in November 2016?

Or is Cruz deliberately trying to turn Easter in Halloween for these Christians?

Skimming some easy money before the field is too crowded, I guess…

“Killing Jesus” - ugh…

Unfortunately, this is the adaptation of Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing Jesus” we’re talking about…he’d probably have more success buying ads on EWTN at 2am.

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TeD Cruz IS mUCH like JESus, CRUCIFIEd BY LIBtards FOR TELLING the TRUTh abOUT OHbuMMEr aND HIS HAte OF AMerica. WE dON’t EVEn know IF OBAma’s EVen a CHRISTIAN BecAUSE he HAs MUSLIM blOOD IN hiM!1111!1one!!!1!!!


It’s part of Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing” series where he gets such simple facts wrong as Lincoln never had an oval office and Jesus wasn’t a white man…next up will probably be Killing Reagan where O’Reilly will depict Ronald Reagan single handedly defeating Adolf Hitler, Tsar Nicholas, Alexander the Great, Joseph Stalin, and a Martian Invasion.


Yeah, when I saw the commercials I thought maybe I might watch it…until I saw the title and realized it was an O’Reilly book adaptation. Now that cruz will be filling the commercial spaces, I KNOW I won’t be watching.

Geez, the title gives away the ending. What a terrible author!

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I have to admit to not being up on his"Killing" series. And now that you told me, I went and googled it.

As I said before, “Ugh.” I know the fundie nutjobs LOVE to emphasize the crucifixtion; personally, I find it repugnant in the extreme. I’m not denying that’s the way Jesus of Nazareth was executed; I just feel that the crucifixtion emphasizes all the wrong aspects of Jesus’ mission and pretty much ignores the teachings.


Democrats do themselves a dis-service by using the nick name ‘Ted’ his name is Rafael. Rafael is of Cuban descent and he should be proud of his heritage not try to hide it with a name change. Does anyone else recall how the republics, with great support from FAUX, used President Obama’s middle name so as to cast him in a negative light? Turn-about IS fair play, remind his possible supporters that he comes from that which they hate.

But it works, though: “Cruz” means “cross” in Spanish. (And add to this the fact that Cruz’s own particular brand of Christianity isn’t exactly healthy . . . )

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It also seems odd, liturgically-speaking, to be showing such a thing on Easter Sunday, too.

Day late and a dollar short? Okay, maybe two days late …


Two birds with one nail!

Killing Irony?

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I have to admit that I agree…unfortunately, it’s a long standing practice. After all, the editors of the Bible did their best to cut out anything dealing with Christ’s life other than his birth and death. Some of the books that were edited out are a lot more interesting, including the ones where he’s a spoiled brat until he starts learning how to treat others properly.

When O’Reilly throws a going away party for Jesus, Jesus stays dead.

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