Discussion: Cruz Supporters Boo Trump At Conservative Gathering

Discussion for article #244785

On CNN Trump claims he has a “great relationship with God”

Does he tweet him?
But then I understand from another poster here that God has tweeted about Trump.


Trump is doing as well as he is because he doesn’t get into details. Always just broad promises with no explanation of how such marvelous things will happen. He obviously knows that when you start talking details the base will turn against you. Think about the GOP KKKlown KKKar in 2012.


Trump and Cruz.
Possibly the 2 most reprehensible candidates for POTUS of my lifetime.
(Maybe David Duke or George Wallace would qualify for this subset?)

Booing is the least any crowd should do when listening to either one.



…he knows details would confuse his psychophants.


Were they booing, or saying “Boo-urns”? Because either one would make a lot of sense.


“It’s a tremendous problem, and we’re looking into it” could be the Trumpet campaign slogan.


Idiots arguing with idiots, about idiocy!


Very good! Especially so early in the day.


I’m looking forward to an all-out, WWF-style brawl between Trump and Cruz supporters, with folding chairs being broken left and right, broken beer bottles, zip guns, and general mayhem.


Because both groups are fueled by irrational emotional urges. I do not see much of an alternative.

The Politics Industry needs “outraged” lunatics. Like most industries (fossil fuels, banking, etc) there are negative outcomes being produced, along with profits. This looks to me as one of the outcomes (like shooting people in Planned Parenthood facilities).

Personally, I am less traumatized by Cruz versus Trump lunatics fighting than innocent Planned Parenthood workers being murdered.


Cruz supporter Carolyn Church of South Carolina said she wasn’t among those booing Trump.

“I like what he’s saying, and I’d love for him to have a role in the administration, but I want Ted to be president,” she said.

And there’s the terrifying face of the GOP – she wants BOTH of these assholes in charge.

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Some nice imagery there, bravo. And “zip guns” is a charming retro touch, very West Side Storyish, evocative of a time nearly beyond recall when a “juvenile delinquent” here and there actually found it a challenge to get hold of a proper pistol.


Iowa’s coming up in however many days and our boy still hasn’t learned how to talk like a merely conventionally religious person, much less an evangelist. He says he has a “very great relationship with God” in this way that sounds like God is one more big-shot golfing buddy or something, they hang out, have a lot of laughs, that sort of thing. I’ve never, ever, ever heard even a modestly religious person talk the way Trump does. Plus which relatively few evangelical types have a wife who looks and dresses like a middle-grade porn star. If my only criterion were which candidate was more “godly” and could still win I’d be rooting for Cruz. Stay tuned, sports fans…


Remember his comment about “a little wine and the little cracker” and how he feels absolved of any wrong doing.

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I remember his saying that and I remember frankly wondering whether he knew the meaning of that particular sacrament in the religion he claims to practice. And he said, maybe in the same interview (it feels so long ago), that he’d never asked God for forgiveness. Does he understand the Christian view of human nature before Christ redeems it? I don’t think he does. We’re through the looking glass in this cycle but Cruz isn’t stupid and if he can take advantage of this weakness he will.


There is the joke about the golfer who constantly missed par on putts saying, “@#$%^#. I missed again!!”…then being admonished by his companion (who happened to be a nun). Next hole, he says the same thing, the firmament darkens, lightning and thunder ring out and, BEHOLD…the nun is struck down.

From the darkened sky, “@#$%^#, I missed again!!”

Trump is a believer. In money. And those types of people would look only at the humour of the above gag, not the irony.


You know, I confess that after a lifetime of ignoring this clown I’m a bit obsessed now because he’s invading the world most of us live in. And honestly I’ve read interviewers who’ve said he occasionally shows a trace of reflection on himself, some perspective on things. So maybe he might say something that sounds like he thinks, if only now and then, about the Big Questions like the rest of us. But a person like him would knock it down again in the next moment, saying something disgusting or contemptibly laughable. I’m just not sure he can believably present himself as even a mainstream Christian. So let me say, like a TV newsie, will the evangelical voters accept Donald Trump as one of their own? God only knows. : )


I thought the quote was “great relationship with the Gods” :hamster:

Tump vs. Cruz = Fascists vs. Theocrats.
Pass the popcorn.