Discussion: Cruz Smacks NYT Over 'Hit Piece' On Goldman Sachs Loan

Discussion for article #244715

So, to extend Michael Kinsley’s definition of a gaffe, a smear is when somebody else intentionally tells the truth about you?

God, I loathe this human simulacrum of a lizard POS.


How dare a NY newspaper point out that Cruz is chummy with New York bankers…those that caused the worldwide bank failures which made middle class Americans lose a fair share of their life savings and home equity.

Anyone who takes a million in loans from Goldman and Citibank knows about New York values so you better listen to him

Just a small receipt error — Like forgetting to return “Green Eggs and Ham” to the library —

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Cruz referred to his failure to properly disclose the loans as a “paperwork error.”

Right. And Willie Sutton didn’t really rob any banks, he just forgot to file the proper paperwork for the loans he took out.

Ignatius_Donnelly: God, I loathe this human simulacrum of a lizard POS.

i don’t know about you, but if i got a $500k loan from my wife’s firm to finance my campaigning, there would be zero “paperwork errors”. i also find this guy to be on the nasty side of loathsome. love your
“human simulacrum of a lizard POS” metaphor. it covers so many bases with so few words.