Discussion: Cruz: McCain Only Cast Doubt On My Citizenship Because He Backs Rubio

Discussion for article #244427

I didn’t go to Harvard but I recognize ad hominem when I see it.

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No Ted,I think it is because John thinks your a whacko, which you are.


And Republicans spent the better part of a decade casting doubt on Obama’s citizenship because…


When you listen to the GOP presidential field don’t they sounds like little kids ?

" Cruz: McCain Only Cast Doubt On My Citizenship Because He Backs Rubio" WHAT ? ,LOL!!

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BecAUSe, LIBtard, citizenship is Based ON THE ability of OHBUMMEr to produce a LONG FORM BIRTH certificate with a RAISED SEAL. Also, OHBUMMER’s father is a black Muslim FROM KENYA SO OHBUMMER isn’t an American because Muslim goes by the 1/8th rule and HAWAII isn’t a part of America but a HAVEN for foreigners to fake birth for Manchurian purposes.


Perhaps John finds you as slimy as most of the U.S. does. Raphael’s fundy christian base won’t get him elected to the Oval Office.

Can the U.S, make Obama give the Presidency back (if he took it away, fraudulently)?

If so, how could that be implemented?

Just curious… :confused:

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Actually, dude, I think it’s because you’re persistently an asshole to everyone.

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And if that’s what they want, then I demand we take back everything GWBush ever did since both his “wins” were fraudulent. Sorry, Roberts, sorry Alito – get out and all your votes are deleted and cases adjusted accordingly. Woohoo!


Speaking of crazy rabbit trails (and it’s “rabbit holes,” you embarrassment-to-Canada fake human), you’d know them, wouldn’t ya?

Speaking of McGrumpy…

One thing Cruz will NOT do:

Request a Senate resolution of the sort that was given to McGrumpy for the 2008 election. A ninety-mile-wide asteroid striking earth at full force is only slightly less desirable to U.S. Senators than giving such a resolution to Carnival Cruz.


Cruz really is a hated man on The Hill.

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AMerica CaLLS for a DO OVer and ThE Economy becomes retroactively Awesome bEcauSE we HAve STUFF trickling down LIKe money and SOUNd fiscal POLICY rather than Armageddon Socialistic UTOpiaries.


That makes me feel so much better. :smirk: