“Right now, Senate Democrats are opposing everything. You can’t get eight Senate Democrats to agree on saying good morning,”
They say “Good Morning” to everybody who deserves it, you pusillanimous pustule.
OK with you if I head elsewhere for a while today? You seem to be in control of the situation here …
Keep it right up, Democrats. No help with bailing the water out of their boat. it’s sinking.
”It’s their so-called three-bucket solution, which is all the good stuff is in bucket three."
Is this the infamous three bucket monte?
Where’s your healthcare? Where’s your healthcare? Whoops…not under this one…
Ah, Cruz the deal maker is back.
He needs to use the words “Trumpcare” though.
Ah, watching them eat each other is delicious. Pass the popcorn.
Pete Sessions got such an earful yesterday at his Town Hall. They showed it on the news last night. Dumb fuck stood up there and said he was on Obamacare and he wouldn’t wish it on anyone so he didn’t want to give his health care to his constituents who were demanding it.
They weren’t having it at all and those were his constituents. Between Trump and the ACA repeal they GOP is up against the wall.
Maybe we can see Ryan truly emulate Boehner—meaning, cry.
" You can’t get eight Senate Democrats to agree on saying good morning,"
If I’m not mistaken its the republican senators who seem to be the ones on the soapbox,the Dems seem to be “Chilling” and watching you guys (GOP) implode.
As long as they maintain the right mix of cannibalism and immolation I fully support this approach.
Not sure what the political calculation that the House is going to try to pass a bill (if they can even whip enough votes - look for this vote either not happening or leaving the vote open for five hours so they have time to arm twist) that won’t pass the Senate. A bill that is becoming increasingly unpopular as people figure out Obamacare isn’t ACA. As Ryan and Trump are both trying to hang this dumpster fire on each other.
Well, couldn’t they be planning to blame Ted Cruz and the GOP Senate?
The resistance showing up in Townhalls must really be rattling the GOP on the HIll. Even Ted Cruise now has to pretend he really wants to “fix this thing” refering to the ACA. No longer playing the game of repeal first then replace (mean repeal and then whoops never agree on a replacement to bring for a vote) vs. repeal and replace (try to make it as minimal as possible) to “fix”.
We know Cruz’s version of fix is pretty much kill it with some little pretense of something … But I think many are starting to see how that is almost an impossible position now given the scrutiny and harsh public response to Ryan’s bill which is minimalist - but nowhere near as minimalist as the Freedom Caucus (aka tea party - like Cruz) would like to see.
I think we are starting to see glimpses of a growing recognition on the Hill that the political gamesmanship around Obamacare has to end - and for the first time in years (more than a decade) they are going to have to get real and go deep into creating real policy - and working as legislators. Or individually they need to start combing over K Street to start lining up their jobs to start in Jan of 2019.
Every GOP in Congress who has gone to his constituents with this has gotten nothing but hostility and they’ve been screamed at -
They pass this they better have good reflexes to duck everything that is going to get thrown at them.
Every time I see a photo of the reptilian “Ted” Cruz, I vomit a little in my mouth. Please stop posting his picture, TPM.
They appear to be dropping the facade of unity with use of nastyniceness - but the sparks of growing internecine warfare can be spotted. Wonder which arm (Bannon Priebus pushing Trump to deliver out of the box, or Ryan wanting to deliver for the GOP/house) pulled the lever to try to push this through SO FAST yet so horribly executed.
The GOP excludes the Democrats from any input on the TrumpNoCare bill, and then complain that they should support something antithetical to the ACA. What schmucks.