Discussion: Cruz: Cops Are 'Feeling The Assault' Because of Obama's Rhetoric

Discussion for article #239967

little tiny man


Cruz: "We need a president who doesn’t … seek to tear us apart along racial lines, to inflame racial divisions.”

Projection: (Noun) The externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense. (See “GOP”.)


Friendless people are dangerous.


I think violence against cops will be Obama’s Katrina…

Teabaggers got no love for cops, unless they’re shootin’ black people.

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"We need a president who doesn’t attack and vilify them, and who doesn’t seek to tear us apart along racial lines, to inflame racial divisions.”

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “We need a president who sweeps this under the rug and sends the message loud and clear to the black community that nothing is going to change, so they better just stand down, shut up and go back to taking it in silence so the rest of us white folks can enjoy the benefits and pretend there’s no problem.”


I always wondered what the impact is of someone who does an extended stay in a local jail, then they see sheriff’s who work that same jail patrolling their neighborhoods. Given the trauma that prison is designed to be, you’d think they’d be better off with a REALLY bright line

While it might just seem like a bad idea on paper and in real life it’s fine just seems a little weird.

It’s different than say a regular uniform patrol officer as they only might pick you up and hand you over to one of these guys.

With the massive increase in loose guns flooding the market and relaxing of gun laws just seems like it’s not the best thought out concept. Not unlike pretty much anything Ted Cruz in a sentence where it’s “Ted Cruz proposes”


What a sad excuse for a human being Senator Cruz is. Like his predecessor, Joe McCarthy, he’ll get his.


Trump’s poodle, erm…Havanese?


Huh. My Teatroll Rosetta Stone translates it as “Obama’s inciting the negroes to revolt just like you knew he would! Helter Skelter! Helter Skelter!”


Has there been any proof presented that the killer in this case was actually motivated by the whole Black Lives Matter? (and not just trying to steal the first car he saw? or perhaps he had a grudge against this particular cop and knew his routine?). Just feels like the sheriff in this case has been itching to pick a fight and is using this case. Horrible anytime an officer is injured or killed in the line of duty but wondering if it will come out later the shooting had nothing to do with anything other than this killer’s lethal impulses

During the diverting clown show of the past six weeks it was possible to briefly forget that this man seems to have a limitless capacity to say things that are even viler and more despicable than the astonishingly vile and despicable things he’s already said. You just can’t overstate what a calculating, conscienceless, reckless and cruel liar he is.


Or as my Great Granny McGunter would say:

“Och. He’s a stupid wee man.”


Precisely. Cruz knows it’s best not to offer any specific examples of language by the President that would ever lead to such a tragedy. Because Cruz knows it doesn’t exist. Better to make the allegation, have his supporters look at an African-American President, turn bright orange, and make up their own statements that Obama never said.


Seems pretty clear that in Luntzian doublespeak, any assertion that some segment of society is being treated unjustly can be denounced as “divisive.” Which is a pretty damn handy rhetorical tool when your entire political philosophy is based on the crudest, most obvious kinds of exploitation and advantage-taking.


Every time there’s a gun crime that makes the national news and people start talking more about better gun laws, the cons complain that it’s wrong to “politicize” the tragedy so soon after it occurred. But lying about the president “vilifiying” law enforcement is not, apparently, considered politicizing tragedies. Neither is blaming crimes on the Black Lives Matter people as soon as it’s known that the criminal was black.


hmm. ted, how about the 2 white, boston thugs who beat up a homeless immigrant and said they were inspired by your buddy donald trump’s hate rhetoric? kiss my ass, ted.

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Haha, two sides of the same coin I suppose…like when one word has two similar, related definitions…or can be a verb or noun.

Did you upgrade to firmware 3.5? The new Decoder Ring driver is top notch…

You’re the first person besides myself that references Helter Skelter