Discussion for article #244413
“Cruz also reiterated that he believes governors should be allowed to ban certain refugees from their states and that the U.S. government should ban refugees from certain areas of the world.”
You know, like Canada.
I wonder if Cruz would want to reassess refugees from Saudi Arabia as well, since they are most closely aligned with both Al Queada (Bin Laden family lives there) and ISIS which follows the same form of Islam that keeps the Saud family in power. Oh, that’s right - Saudi Arabia is our ally and of course no one from there (like the 9/11 terrorists) would ever hurt us. Just ask the Bushes or the Koches or any Texas oil magnate who helps fund the Cruz crowd of lunatics.
This man is a delusional fool. How far back do you take these reassessments - one year, one decade, one generation or two or three? Many of the radicalized American Muslims are natural born citizens whose families came here decades ago as refugees when their countries were overrun by the very kinds of groups Cruz is talking about and because of the way people like Cruz have treated them since 2001, the children of these families are very open to the social media recruitment of groups like ISIS.
When people are made to feel hated for nothing that they had any part in doing, eventually they begin to fight back, and when they hear lunatics like Cruz and Trump vilifying them and making threats reminiscent of Nazi Germany, they feel that perhaps the devil you do not know is better than the one you do, so groups like ISIS find fertile recruiting opportunities among refugees and natural born Muslims. Thanks, Mr. Cruz and Mr. Trump, for making it so easy to create terrorists out of refugees who come here looking for sanctuary! (Kind of like your father did in the day when he was running from Castro, Mr. Cruz.)
France and Belgium…because that is where the guys that shot up Paris are from.
ETA: And Britain, a ton of the Daesh guys are from there.