Discussion: Cruz-Backing Super PACs Offer $1.5M To Charity For Trump V. Cruz Debate

Discussion for article #245216

Of course he is. It lets him pretend that he’s actually a viable second.

(Note I didn’t say “number two”, which he totally is)

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Crooooze is so desperate and he knows it. Darn Old Trump has no need to engage with Teddy. DT is the front runner and seems to be fooling enough people enough of the time, so why would he take the Croooooze bait? The GOP is in total chaos and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of wackos.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America told Cruz and Trump to go fuck themselves and refused to be part of any “political stunts.”

Fiorina apparently offered $1.5M too if she could join the Trump/Cruz showdown.

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I wonder how many times during a response to one of his “clever attacks” Raphael will end up clapping for Trump.

@Sniffit - That’s, like, what, 25 HP employees? A bargain!


It would set a very dangerous precedent for our national security if we let Ted Cruz run for President.

Do we want the next Ted Cruz from Iran or Russia or China to eligible to run for President? I don’t think so…while I love Canada, we can’t give an exception for Canada. The founding fathers had no intention of allowing foreign born citizens to meet their definition of natural born.

Heck, Cruz shouldn’t be allowed in the US Senate - let alone in the White House. Cruz only recently claims to have rescinded his Canadian Citizenship. Senators should be 100% American - not 50%. Cruz also has NOT proven that he has legally rescinded his Canadian citizenship. Do you really believe what Ted Cruz (a pathological liar) says? Prove it Ted.

Cruz isn’t just ineligible to run for the White House, he mentally unfit to serve at the head of our government.

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I don’t know about your first statement, but the 2nd is spot on.

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Has Cruz been coordinating with those PAC’s? Just asking. Seems pertinent.


They can’t guarantee he will come…

So the splintering of the party the GOP establishment feared has become a reality. And before even the iowa caucus.

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Here’s a thought. Why not just give the money to charity if you really believe in the cause? Don’t hide behind veterans for a political stunt. Unless, of course, you only care about veterans when they are useful to your personal ambitions.


Cruz is going nowhere b/c the party establishment and the current leaders in the house and senate dont like him.

Yeah, that one-on-one thing ain’t gonna happen. Not with Cruz, not with anyone. Not now, not later. Looks like tRump is intent on calling the shots, even if one happens to ricochet and hits himself in the process…figuratively speaking of course.

Wow. The GOP really doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind with Trump do they!

It’s as if the last Titanic lifeboat has Godzilla sitting in it! Do I take my chances or just wait to go down with the ship??

Cruz is a demented ideologue (and likely a closeted homosexual), so I am guaranteeing to all when given the choice, he will make the wrong one! Party ON!

Closeted homosexual? With that fashion sense?