Discussion: Cruz Also Releases His Tax Summaries In Challenge To Trump

Discussion for article #246576

Cruz, meanwhile, speculated that there could be “a number of bombshells” in Trump’s tax returns, … [like] “significant contributions to Planned Parenthood.”

And yet, surprise, surprise, the “summaries” released by Cruz don’t show his charitable contributions. Bottomless hypocrisy.

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Trump’s base likes that he’s a billionaire and can self finance his campaign. Moreover, they like that he says things other politicians don’t say, i.e. he’s not a typical politician. I don’t think not releasing his tax returns will hurt him.

Anybody know whether Rubio’s books were bought in bulk?

what if he’s not worth what he says he is?

If that’s the case, I don’t think he releases his returns, ala Romney. And I don’t think it would hurt him to not release.

Look, if he can, with a straight face, claim the IRS is attacking him because he’s a “strong Christian”, then he can get away with almost anything.

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Tax returns won’t show his net worth. But they will reveal amounts and sources of income and h
Deductions, including charitable giving, eligible expenses and reflect tax avoidance strategies (these are legal by the way). What might be eyebrow-raising are aggressive tax avoidance, questionable expenses/write-fats and the bottom line - what % does he actually pay.

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"All of us are on a faith journey, and I will readily admit that I have not been as faithful in this aspect of my walk as I should have been," Cruz told the Christian Broadcasting Network in January.

between the lines…“I have faith that I can fleece this flock for some more $$$------in Je$u$ name.” The Chri$harians do love a sorta penitent con man…

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This is great,popcorn maker is probably having trouble keeping up with demand.

That C-Section Born Cruz is able to release his taxes and he is not being audited by the IRS is proof that he is neither conservative enough nor a strong christian.