Discussion: Crowd Grills Top GOPer Over His Support Of ACA Repeal Without Replacement

And the native haven’t even begun to become truly restless.


more of this please.


“Let them eat penicillin.”


It is interesting that prior to the November elections all we heard was how poor the ratings were for the ACA. Now, when the damage is done by electing anti-ACA legislators and President, the tide seems to have switched. Legislator after legislator is confronted by constituents saying do not repeal the ACA. (However, it appears to be to little to late.)


Evidently people aren’t willing to live in an alternate reality when it comes to getting their health care paid for. Or wait—no. That’s wrong. Let me try again. Despite their desire to vote for a candidate who’s more emotionally satisfying in important but less tangible ways, they’re upset with the real-world efforts of that candidate and his party to take away their damn health insurance. Or something. This respecting people is complicated stuff, I’ll tell you.


"billed by Brady’s staff as an opportunity for “local people affected by ObamaCare” to “share their experiences with rising costs and loss of coverage and choice,”

This is being spun as people sharing their dissatisfaction with Ocare, which is what the GOP is going to do across the board. This guy is a poisonous gerrymandered toad who will not be deterred from anything his rich backers want.


Silly person
The Mugwumps want to repeal Obamacare but keep the ACA, because Obamacare is a socialist takeover of medicine whereas the ACA good things in it.
Witness KY who elected Blot on Western civilization Bevin who wants to dismantal Kynect care and the fools didn’t realize it is OBAMACARE


They should be passionate? The fuck does that even mean? They are passionate because he’s gambling with their health, well-being and their lives. “They should not have to be passionate” is the only rejoinder. It would be like discovering lead in the water system and saying “it’s water, you should be passionate about it!”


To show good faith, all the members of the “repeal” crowd should give up their present and future government (taxpayer) funded health care as a sign of their sincerity. (silly me…)


More proof that Conservatives love pissing off Liberals (as opposed to pissing on them, which apparently they also like), up to and until the point that Liberals actually become pissed off.


It’s too complicated for the media to properly report on the pros/cons of ACA/Obamacare. What they can report on is groups of angry constituents showing up to yell at repub members of Congress. So yes, bring it on - no repeal until we see if the replace is actually better (as the repubs keep promising). And if the repeal is really mostly about cutting taxes for the top one percent - then let’s hear the republican argument about why this tax cut for the richest of the rich is good for American (and not just good for the people at the top). Does anybody really believe in “trickle down economics” any more?


Um…where is the story for this headline? Planned Parenthood isn’t part of the ACA is it? I see the quote about passionate constituents, but what were they saying?

And I agree, watch for other opportunities to tell your ACA “horror story” to actually decry the repeal without replacement.

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It would have been nice if any of these people that happened to vote GOP thought about this before voting in politicians who have been vowing for years that they will repeal the ACA.


I hope someone in the crowd reminded Rep.Brady that he is up for re-election in 2018, and it is in his best interests to make sure that the ACA is not repealed without a replacement that provides the same coverage and protection ( pre-existing conditions are covered,no lifetime limits). Otherwise, Rep Brady can join the rest of the Brady family in re-runs.

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“Crowd Grills Top GOPer Over His Support Of ACA Repeal Without Replacement.”



It is pretty doubtful that republicans are actually listening to their constiuents at these “listening” sessions. That said, the cumulative effect of people all over the country showing passion on the issue may give republicans, particularly senators who can’t gerrymander a statewide election, something to think about before approving a half-assed plan to throw out O-Care that they know will fail…


Before the vote it is my opinion that the voters were choosing to vote for the person they liked and who talked about their expressed issues. But a lot of voters consider the vote to be a reward they give to someone they like or prefer.

The connection to their pocketbook was that a nice guy like that will support what I, the voter, need.

The disconnect between political rhetoric and American social structure of important issues like health care simply was not something they voted on. Now suddenly the MSM has changed what it focuses on, and the fear of the conservatives is spreading.

Susan Brooks, in Indiana, wouldn’t let more than 2 or 3 at a time in to speak with her, in a “public” meeting in Zionsville. I’m looking for links about it. She said (and I’m paraphrasing) ‘at town halls, only the loudest voices get heard.’ Yeah, suddenly they’re concerned about loud voices.


It’s water, you should be passionate about it, but fixing the lead problem is much too expensive. And stop depending on government for everything, will ya?