Discussion: Criminal Or Not, Scott Walker's Scheme Should Bother You

Discussion for article #224369

“…Walker’s agenda is about redistributing power upwards…”

The only goal of the conservative.

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Bob LaFollette could power the entire Midwest if he was attached to a turbine. RIP to the Wisconsin Ideal.


As a Wisconsin resident, I am pissed about being used as some kind of flipping experiment by the uber wealthy, ultra-conservative, far right nut case jihadists that are using their less than intelligent base to achieve the results they desire.


“…an effort to use stupid technicalities against the governor.”

If Siegelman is their precedent these days, they can thank Karl Rove for all this legal stuff. Karl started it when he used standard, long accepted political quid-pro-quo “mischief” that has been ignored, even enabled for decades, to put Don Siegelman in prison.

Walker’s done so much worse than Siegelman ever did, and quite publicly some times. it is no wonder the Feds are building a case.

If they throw the same book at Walker they did at Siegelman, he’ll be in jail, not in office.

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“losers without money” would be more accurate as “losers without millions” because only the very wealthy win in the Walker scenario.


I live in Minnesota and as much as we have a rivalry with Wisconsin, just like any two neighboring states, it is profoundly troubling to look east and see what is happening over there.

And it’s not only Walker. The whole state seems to have gone off the deep end. One of it’s US Senators, Ron Johnson, is another project of right wing money machine in the state, although much of that money was his own. In any case, he bought the seat.

We are now learning about the significant brain drain in WI. Even though WI does have many good colleges and universities, the kids are leaving in droves once they graduate. And why wouldn’t you? Illinois on one side and MN on the other with Scott Walker in the middle.