Discussion: Creeper Trump Barged Into Dressing Room At His Miss Teen USA Pageant

That’s his daughter? On his lap?

I have no words.


You haven’t seen those pictures of Ivanka and him? Yeah. No words is probably safest.

I’d seen the first one but not the second.

They’re all pretty strange.

Until recently, everything Trump was ever costumed in made him look like an extra in Good Fellows.


“Donnie Two Times” because he always repeats himself.


Donald Lecher Trump

I got up so late I’m sure this has been said but this isn’t just Miss USA, it’s Miss TEEN USA and it’s absolutely disgusting that he walked into the dressing rooms.

I can’t believe these young women’s mothers didn’t say something long ago about this but I suppose they didn’t want to ruin their daughters’ chances, but goddamn, if I had had a daughter in that pageant and he’d done that I would have exploded.

It’s 78 different kinds of wrong.


So…the MASSA is allowed in to inspect his merchandise but ‘no other men’ are allowed in? This sounds worse and worse.

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Four former contestants in the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant told Buzzfeed News that Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while they were changing clothes.

Has anyone considered the possibility that Chiselin’ Trump was actually born a woman and, therefore, by his party’s standards, must use the women’s dressing room?

“And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“… and so I sort of get away with things like that.”

Not for long, asshole.


See, that’s been your mistake. You should have been looking from the angle of the erection.

Trump is running modern day slave market, with women as his merchandise, inspecting them, gauging, commenting, weighing on appropriate “value” of another human being. When will the FBI visit him to investigate the extent of his crimes from all his voluntary confessions?


Underage girls.

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Wanna bet, when Trump was a kid, he bought some of those mail-order “X-Ray Glasses” that supposedly let you see under women’s clothing?

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He admitted on Howard Stern that he had slept with pageant contestants, presumably from the adult pageants he had rights over. And his whole routine with Alicia Machado was just in his first year on that particular gig.


He’s been unacceptable to pretty much anyone who values American democracy, diversity, tolerance, and security. Being pervy to pretty white ladies, as you put it, makes him intolerable - or at the least in blatant contradiction to the values of - the Republicans who have given him support (willingly or not).

So don’t be depressed. It’s a small minority where this makes a difference, and a large majority who sees it as one more outrage demonstrating his unfitness and his hypocrisy.

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Well, he probably owns his daughter’s bedrooms.

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Either that or the ones that supposedly let you see women’s underclothing.