I treat everything coming out of the White House nowadays as terrorism.
How can you even stop something like this?
Thoughts are with London today.
You stop it’s underlying causes. You drop the rhetoric and it’s a good idea not to invade folks. Wars produce veterans that need services, displaced people that become migrants and refugees and lots of hate. So, if you’re Tony Blair you don’t side up with GW Bush and stay the hell out of his vanity war. That’s how you stop it. The only way. You never start it.
Contains upsetting scenes:
Several suggested the incident was deliberate.
However, others suggested differently.
Still others, suggested suggested suggestions were premature.
Do British traffic enforcement cameras these days look like the icon on the sign in this article’s photo?
Those days are OVER. It has already started. What do we do NOW???
Not premature: blaming Obama/Clinton and their policies for failing to keep England safe.
ISIS has much-faded influence, and it has been the driver for most of the anti-Western terrorism attacks in recent years.
Not bombing Iran or destroying its economy could help avert a wave of terrorism by Iranian backed groups and Iran sympathizers.
If the attack method gets picked up for general use (as shootings have been in the US), there’s not much you can do. Bollards can protect some areas fairly well, but bollards everywhere is a little crazy.