Discussion: Courts Unlikely To Strike Down Trump Order For Religious Bias, Experts Say

That’s funny because he’s co-starring in a very bad reality show that’s full of shit.


One in which the star of the show has extreme diarrhea of the mouth.


Giving moral rectitude a whole new level of visual meaning. Gonna be hard to unsee that.


Moral rectaltude?


Yes. As in head up ass.


He is making quite a habit of it. He better be careful, Bannon is keeping track, I’m sure.


Breaking news: Acting U.S. AG tells Justice Dept. to not defend order.



Yeah really, in what country would the courts be so blind as to ignore the context. Oh wait…
our courts have a long sordid history of pissing on non-white, non-christians. Seems like a pretty cut and dry case of religious discrimination to me, but then I don’t run in the right cocktail circles.


Breaking news: Acting U.S. AG tells Justice Dept. to not defend order.


TPM should have talked to Sally Yates.


Excellent accounting of where Congress-critters are on this issue of immigration and Trump’s EO right now from Vox. Many in this article have been identified. You can locate your Congressperson here. Most Dems have weighed in, but not all. Many more Republicans are hiding and have not given out any statement.


I also have to say that this seems to be an argument based solely on the Letter of the EO, and totally ignoring the Spirit of it, which is what I thought was expressly the Supreme Court’s primary job…

I mean if all they’re there for is to read over the document and say “Nope, it doesn’t specifically say ‘ban muslims’ even though any half-wit can see that that is the ultimate objective, NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Because it’s superficially vague” then what fucking good is the Supreme Court anyway.


That’s kinda what I thought too. There are a lot of previous statements by Trump and his goons that have specifically said their intention was to prioritize one religion over another. That shows intent imo.


I mean, it’s not like “Separate but Equal” was struck down because the laws specifically said “give blacks schools less money, less supplies and tools” it’s because that was the defacto effect of the laws, seriously if a constitutional lawyer can’t make the discrimination argument for this EO then maybe constitutional law isn’t the right field for them.


Trump just issued a statement in response:

“Traitors! I’ve been betrayed and deceived from the very beginning! What a monstrous betrayal of the German people, but all those traitors will pay. They’ll pay with their own blood. They shall drown in their own blood!”

Jodl and Bormann concurred.


Nonsense; there is evidence. Giuliani can be hauled onto the witness stand to testify that Trump asked him for a Muslim ban. Trump can be hauled onto the witness stand to testify to the same thing. There is no privilege; Giuliani is just a private citizen. Once there is evidence that the overall ban was intended to discriminate on the basis of religion, the ban can be struck down on that basis.


Eh, even some law professors have an agenda. Who knows? I couldn’t get through much of the rationale in the article personally other than understanding the courts sometimes give deference to the executive branch. Like…no shit. But, that sure wasn’t always the case when it came to President Obama’s EOs being challenged in court constantly. This constitutional law prof. is trying to give one side of the argument with some gobbledygook and legal mumbo jumbo mixed in. That’s why two sides will argue it out…And this is what Trump’s supporters will look and sound like in court.

I’m not a lawyer, so I can’t tell you what’s what. My dad was, but he’s no longer on this earth, so I can’t ask him what he thinks of this shitstorm. He would be sad to see this crap happening in this country though. That I know.


President Trump could trample on the Constitution and all of its Amendments and Articles, destroy individual rights and freedoms, impose tyranny and do the things he said he would do in Fifth Avenue and the Supreme Court would stand by and do nothing.

All that President Obama had to do was to move a finger and Justice Roberts and his fellow RAT on the Court would be ready to pounce and bite his hand off.

Scalia – bless his heart – was able jump in and rig elections for George Bush the Dumb Torturer.

The judiciary is incompetent and incapable of doing its jobs in the face of Republican pressure.


What have you got against 1980’s head banger music?

These fucking “patriots” scream CONSTITUTION anytime their ability to carry military grade weapons is threatened yet get behind the single most unconstitutional legislation in US history. Fuck these guys. They don’t play by the rules and neither should we. It’s time to eliminate false belief and ideology that is fail.

For the first time in my life I truly feel capable of violence. I’m angered.