Voter fraud? Legislative fraud?
You don’t have to decide any more. Heh.
This has been a good week … Hooray !
This is fantastic news. I’m starting to have a better feeling the courts are “getting it” on important issues lately. Damn time.
The Kansas ruling just four days before the state primary election means that about 17,000 voters will have their ballots counted in races for the state Legislature and other local contests.
Kobach said the decision would allow people living in the U.S. illegally to vote, although voting rights advocates say there have been few cases of voter fraud in the past.
A “few” cases of voter fraud in the past (were they Republicans? … and “the past” – does that mean over how many years?) vs. 17K votes in the here and now. Yeah, Chris, let’s disenfranchise seventeen thousand people right now because of three bad apples over the past five (?) years. Sounds like Republican reasoning to me.
I’m always amazed that the vote suppressors trot out the notion that undocumented immigrants might be voting. It doesn’t survive the laugh test.
Think about it - you’re in this country without “papers.” What’s your strategy? Do you want to do anything that will draw attention to you? Do you seek out interactions with officialdom? No - you want to keep a low profile.
You’ll brave the official world to get a driver’s license, because not having one makes things really, really difficult. You’ll interact with the official world to get your children signed up at the local school, because you know that’s their best hope for the future.
But are you willing to risk detection and deportation just so you can vote for a candidate for the Soil and Water Conservation Board?
So even though when a pit bull dog wears lipstick, its just a pit bull dog, no matter how you try to disguise the animal!
Thank you!! Who in their right mind would want to risk that? These very folks are already veery skittish about notifying local law enforcement about break-ins or assault, etc., because they don’t wish to draw attention to themselves, file official police reports, etc. Critical thinking and (most) conservatives … like oil and water.
All in all a very good week.
repugs are going to have to think harder about how to cheat the people in elections.
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California, to the New York Island
From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me
As I was walking a ribbon of highway
I saw above me an endless skyway
I saw below me a golden valley
This land was made for you and me
Just in general, it’s so laughable when Republicans, like a troop of howler monkeys, screech that “…the country is going in the wrong direction.” Even aside from their attempts to rig the system, to cheat legitimate voters from being able to exercise their constitutional rights, these numbers are sobering. Remember:
The GOP currently holds…
248 out of 440 seats in the House
54 out of 100 seats in the Senate
31 out of 50 Governors
70 out of 99 state legislative chambers
4 out of 8 Justices appointed to the Supreme Court
The bitching and moaning of these depraved and loathsome Repukes on the country’s “direction” must reflect the fact that their damned fingerprints are all over the steering wheel.
By just listening to them, you’d think they had no power at all, were helpless victims. Of course, their Lie & Spin Machine and their never ending attempts to game the system, to cheat, simply reflects their fear of the changing demographics in this country and their desire to hold onto the power they have at any cost.
Let’s see: Russian govt. hacks US Dems repeatedly in order to boost Trump in the election; four GOP states get caught this month in racist attempts to steal elections from voters.
The GOP forces of evil have had a bad month.
Now is has been proven where the REAL voter fraud occurs. Hope people in those 4 backwaters toss the GOP bums out!
3 more states in play which the MSM hasn’t been able to consider when they keep insisting on a close race,Great !
This truly is the age of the condor
A sigh of relief. But it will be very difficult to remove those who are responsible for this abysmal law, as they are protected in their gerrymandered districts.
. . .
The GOPers will do anything for victory. Lying, cheating and stealing are just for starters, and not meant in any way to restrict their creativity or what they are willing to do to win.
Any ruling that smacks Kobach down is excellent!
“…although voting rights advocates say there have been few cases of voter fraud in the past.” How ’bout just saying, “There have been almost no cases of voter fraud in the past.”? Because there have been almost no cases. This isn’t something that only “voting rights advocates” say. It’s just flat-out true. For Christ’s sake, Republicans have spent 15 years scrabbling around all over the country looking for voter fraud, and they could only come up with somewhere between about 20 and 2000 cases in the whole U.S. in the elections between 2000 and 2012, when more than 750,000,000 votes were cast in federal elections. That works out to between 0.00027% and 0.0000027% of all votes cast. Another way of putting this is that it works out to between .0067 and .67 cases of voter fraud for each congressional district in the country in each of the last seven federal elections. And these are the results that Republicans came up with. O.K.? There is no voter fraud.