Discussion: Court Weighs Role Of Race In Alabama Redistricting

Discussion for article #230082

Waall, I’ll be jiggered. The GOP is trying to rig electoral districts in their favor. So what else is new?

Their desperation to cling to power is so unseemly. But their self-centeredness is extremely damaging to our country.

What will the SCOTUS do? Beats me. The thinking of the four righties is so perverse, you can’t tell.

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The only thing the SupremeCorporation K-RATS are going to have to wrestle is their cell phones outta their pockets to see what the KochBoys have to ‘say’ on the subject…

Nota Bene: To Scalia et al., “weighing” means checking to see what talk radio and Faux Nooz are saying about it.

Any bets who the SCOT1% is going to side with? Be sure it’s will not be with the people.

The outcome could come down to whether the justices think that race was the motivating factor in the state’s 2012 redistricting or that Republicans merely tried to maximize their partisan advantage.

And if those concepts are one and the same?

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Let’s see. Is it constitutional to segregate blacks in voting districts which minimize their political influence while insuring that some blacks are elected?

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I’m betting they’ll rule in favor of the Dark Side.
They’ll destroy the voting rights law totally if they can.

Who would ever have imagined we would have 4 Archie Bunkers on the SCOTUS?

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