Things could get interesting…
Warning: ExxonMobil may be in irreversible decline
Don’t hurt US!! We are a huge dying multinational company…cough cough…Please be kind…We need help…
There aren’t many politicians in New York that I like, but I sure am proud of Eric Schneiderman.
Trump will make a phone call on Day One (insert Hallelujah Chorus here) and have all this thrown out.
Because they are short sighted evil people who didn’t diversify their company while it was on top. They could be dominating the renewable energy field but instead of adopting it they only have tried to stop it.
What is interesting is who is ignoring this excellent news? Bloomberg, OilPrice, CNBC. hmmm
The chickens have come home to roost.
Good luck with that.
But, but. Now companies that are contemplating committing securities fraud won’t share all of their books with the accounting firms that are required by law to audit them. Whatever will happen to the C-suite bonuses?
What a strange world we live in when the AG of a state is the most important voice in ferreting out corporate wrongdoing. Fortunately the AG in this case is from New York so he has a budget big enough to put up a good case. Too bad the DOJ is taking a back seat. Probably the assigned assistant attorney generals are busy polishing their resumes to submit to Exxon or one of the Wall Street firms that supports Exxon.
Ever since the Valdez oil spill (1989), I’ve boycotted Exxon products; a very small gesture but it’s all I could do. Exxon is a global menace and needs to be held accountable for its willful fraud.
This Schneiderman guy seems to be doing a bang-up job. Kudos to him.
And this is why we need Hillary in the White House and Dems in positions of power. Does anyone think a Republican AG would have taken on Exxon? They’re already occupied with penny ante bs investigations of the Clintons.
Well, now THIS might actually get someone in Congress to actually DO SOMETHING. Unfortunately, it will be to protect Exxon from any and all liabilities, retroactive to 1902.
Good. Climate deniers and their enablers, be they person, pundit or CEO, need to be held to account, yesterday, for their deceit and destruction of this planet. The economic and job loss will be absorbed and then the rest of us can concentrate on fixing things, instead of fighting these selfish idiots.
instead of looking at the long term solutions that could have helped us all and made them more money… they decided to look at short term for profits sake to the detriment of us all
At least there is one honest politician in Albany. Schneiderman is doing a tremendous job, and I will support him in any further efforts for political office. The Governor’s Mansion would be great place for him to live in.
I can’t say why it isn’t up on Bloomberg yet, but if you google “Bloomberg Exxon” you will find quite a lot of negative press. IIRC they did a big story sometime back on Exxon’s climate science going way back. They aren’t friendly.
(CNBC isn’t a real news source, as far as I can tell. I don’t go to OilPrice and have no idea.)
I haven’t taken a deep dive into this matter, so I’ve been wondering if there is something that Schneiderman is expecting to find. Does he think that Exxon is holding back internal research findings that show material financial risk to the company from climate change?
There organized effort to deny or downplay climate change shares both personnel and methods with the organized effort to deny the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, and we learned that the tobacco companies had been denying the health effects in public for many years while sitting on internal studies that showed serious harm.