Discussion: Court Overturns Ex-Blackwater Guard's Conviction In Slayings Of Iraqi Civilians

Chiselin’ Trump’s new head of Homeland Security?

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Shiller’s Bribe-a-cop Credentials.

That statute, typically employed against gang members or bank robbers, had never before been used against overseas security contractors working for the U.S. government.

I don’t seem much difference between the four “contractors” and gang members or bank robbers.


In Donald’s Iraq a government contractor could shoot a person in the middle of Baghdad and no one would care.


“In reaching this conclusion, we by no means intend to minimize the carnage attributable to Slough, Heard and Liberty’s actions,” said U.S. Circuit Judge Karen L. Henderson, writing for the court. “Their poor judgments resulted in the deaths of many innocent people.”

I wonder if in reaching this decision if the court hasn’t exercised poor judgment. I remember this story. The contractors were running amok utterly out of control.


Eric Prince has low friends in high places.

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One could ask why prosecutors seem to keep overstepping their bounds.

These contractors in their overseas deployments get paid much, much more than bank robbers usually are…