Discussion: Court Halts Judge's Ruling Allowing Undocumented Teen To Get An Abortion

Appointed by: Barack Obama

Yeah…“but but but her Goldman Sachs speeches…”

So the teen has been granted permission to get an abortion but the Dept, of HHS says because she is in their custody she can’t have one? This is insane “HHS argued to the appeals court that the department had adopted a policy of “refusing to facilitate abortions” except in “very limited circumstances.” It said the teen could instead ask to be returned to her country of origin.” So she was raped and that doesn’t fit their definition of “very limited circumstances”? They would rather she have the child which would become a US citizen?
This is the newest attack women who are raped must deliver the child, doesn’t matter what the circumstances are, which then will lead to so what if the mother’s life is in danger, so it doesn’t matter if the woman dies they’ll just keep her hooked up to machines until they can harvest the child, and it won’t matter that a child impregnated can have her fertility ruined, develop other heath problems.
This should be known as Birth By Any Means Necessary.


Unreal. This whole situation is f-ing sick.

Considering we know nothing about her or her situation (which we shouldn’t, because it’s none of our damn business), and considering how many immigrants, adult or minor, are sexually assaulted or raped during their journey to America, it is entirely possible these Republicans are trying to force her to have her rapist’s baby.

HHS argued to the appeals court that the department had adopted a policy of “refusing to facilitate abortions” except in “very limited circumstances.”

That’s an interesting argument from HHS. In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that abortion is a Constitutionally protected right and that “For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, may, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are reasonably related to maternal health.” So the HHS, a department of the federal government, asserts that it is not bound by Supreme Court decisions that it doesn’t like.

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