Discussion: Court Filings In House Intel Legal Battle For Dossier Firm Docs To Be Made Public

I hope some intrepid investigative reporter is looking into Devin Nunes. He surely canā€™t just be a normal partisan Republican dimwit, can he?


I sure hope so too: He acts like a dimwit and partisan, sure, but he also acts like someone actively in the Russian tank. It would be nice to think the FBI is looking more closely at him as well, foreign espionage on American soil being one of their writs.


Heā€™s an ambitious foot soldier. he doesnā€™t have the feral cunning of Sessions or Flynn, donā€™t guess he is in with the Ruskies. Not smart enough to get top billing, he is at the bottom of the credits with a minor indictment for obstruction thatā€™s waived for a resignation from Congress. If itā€™s morev than that then Iā€™ll be damn surprised.


Oh goodie. We all get to read about the videotek de pissoir. Then can we hang Nunes as a traitor?

Him and the other traitor Dana Rohrbach.


ā€œLet the public see the pleadings. This is not a normal case.ā€

Thank you, judge.


Can Nunes be indicted already? Iā€™ve never seen a more blatant case of a member of Congress intentionally obstructing an investigation. He engineered the entire ā€˜Obama spied on meā€™ whataboutist defense for Trump, and has tried to discredit the dossier. Heā€™s just too much of an idiot to make the gambit succeed, but Nunesā€™ intent to subvert, impede, mislead and obstruct a serious criminal investigation needs a serious response.


Disgraceful doesnā€™t even begin to describe this toadyā€™s actions. He shows the mentality of some corrupt brute in a Third World legislature where the rule of law is honored more in the breach than in actuality. But thatā€™s the whole point in a way. The Repubs are lawless. They simply donā€™t care about the rule of law. Itā€™s all about power to these bastards.

Maybe Mueller will have some ability to get this POS. He certainly has actively obstructed getting to the truth in the Russian takeover of our government.


Isnā€™t it great that Nunesā€™ efforts to get Fusionā€™s records out into the open may actually result in the release of the infamous pee video and more!

A clown indeed, he canā€™t even see that his efforts could badly backfire and make the damning evidence more fodder for the press.

Worse, the tapes would further Muellerā€™s investigation and likely, at least, make Nunes a co-conspiratorā€¦since we all know heā€™s directly acting on Trumpā€™s orders.

What fun!!!

There is no chance that it leads to the release (heh) of the pee video.

Seems a little odd that they wouldnā€™t at least allow for release of redacted records. For a company like Fusion they have legitimate business concerns for keeping their client list confidential. I would think the vast majority of the info involved here (generically, ā€œbank recordsā€) could be culled and/or edited so that that which is even arguably relevant to Congressā€™ inquiry could be made public without ruining the companyā€™s business. Although the story doesnā€™t indicate that. Judge seems to want to release everything. Clarification, @Tierney?