The audacity of parents who don’t train their children to beware of security guards!
Blaming the victim makes me enraged. I don’t care if she was drinking. How is blaming the victim still happening in 2016
Worcester Polytechnic Institute made the arguments in response to a
civil suit filed last year in which the victim alleges that the college
failed to provide a safe environment for students.
Why not just hang a sign on the entrance to the college that reads, “Women Not Welcome!”
People need to use common sense. If you don’t have common sense, you will have bad experiences.
There’s another story in the Chicago Tribune about a woman who used to meet someone. They were going to go to a restaurant (public space). Instead, they met for the first time in his apartment. Gosh and golly, you will be shocked to hear that he raped her. THAT IS SO RUDE!! Meeting at his apartment is simply stupid of the woman. It is her fault that she got raped. If you don’t know someone, you meet them in public, not in your bedroom or in his bedroom. That’s not common sense.
All of this stuff is not helping women. If you do not develop common sense, you will get victimized over and over. Going into a dark place alone with a stranger is not common sense. Guess what? Some people are not kind and nice. And the quicker folks realize that, the better off they will be.
Rather than whining about how unfair it all is and how naughty some people are, young women AND young men should read “The gift of fear”, where the author tells you how to be careful and not be an idiot. Like this dummy in Puerto Rico.
If you, like so many bleating liberals, are confused by naughty people, here’s a link:
I know, its really difficult for people like you to grasp. That’s why this video was made, to make it nice and simple
I’ve had too many conversations with people that STILL think that a woman can be partially to blamed for being raped because they -
Dressed provocatively.
Walked alone from a bar at night.
Walked without a trusted male friend at night.
Drank at a party.
Went to a party without friends along to look out for each other.
Went to a party where they knew there would be drinking.
Didn’t carry pepper spray.
Smoked some weed.
Lied about the rape the next day,
Didn’t report the rape until days/weeks/months afterward.
In the last few years, some progressives that I know personally have used those excuses, and too many progressives on forums–including TPM–have used them as well.
The problem with simplistic slop like this is that some people DON’T CARE ABOUT CONSENT.
Shocking, I know. Just appalling. How can they live with themselves?
For me, I start by NOT believing that every stranger in the night is a nice, friendly person. And if you did that, you’d get raped a whole lot less often.
And every time someone says that, ANOTHER woman is going to be raped.
Because BLAME has nothing to do with it. It’s self-preservation. You need to stay in safe situations, and stay out of unsafe situations.
If you go to the middle of a lake and drop in, you should not drown. Why, that would be, like, so RUDE, DUDE. But a bunch of folks who do that are gonna drown. How can that be? Life is SO UNFAIR.
This isn’t a case where the perpetrator who engaged in an intentional rape is claiming some sort of defense based on the actions of the victim. In this case the victim’s argument is the school was negligent in some fashion concerning the employment or deployment of the security guard. The school is saying that she was also negligent in how she acted in the situation. The victim is saying that her contributory negligence shouldn’t be considered in her case against the school. I can’t wait to see how the court handles what looks like a standard comparative fault case.
You’re winning an argument in your head. The actual question under dispute here is whether the university had any responsibility for the security of its own facility and employees.
When you’re being a jackass, capitalize more words. Then again, even it you didn’t capitalize the words, you’d still be a jackass.
Hey, guess what, boys and girls? If the university was negligent, or if it was not negligent, she was still raped. What’s the difference between a rape when the U was or was not negligent? NOTHING.
If you are a woman, a man, a young person, an old person, the point is to do things which minimize the chance for a bad thing to happen. Going onto a dark roof at night with a stranger is not that. That was dumb.
“The school’s attorneys argue the victim engaged in risky behavior including excessive drinking and disregarded training about how to protect herself from harm.”
She was given training. She disregarded it.
Of course, all of this “women should be allowed to drink to excess, tear off all their clothes, and do whatever” is doing one thing - it is increasing the number of rapes, because it is lowering the sensible, reasonable, intelligent idea that being cautious and not being stupid is a good idea.
“Mommy, mommy, mommy, can I jump off the roof? Every other kid is doing it…”
Well, Mommy, what do you say?
Every time someone says “victim blaming”, another woman gets raped. It’s a law of nature.
It must be really nice to be a bro and not have to worry about running early in the morning or kicking overworked grad students out of library bathrooms at closing or having a drink at a party or taking a walk by yourself at night to think about a paper while your roommate is breaking up with her boyfriend or using Uber getting into a car with a stranger or bicycling back to your dorm after dance rehearsal or relying on a security guard to be protecting you instead of raping you.
Lemme guess, you’re armed at all times.
Exactly. The issue is causality. The rapist caused the rape. No gray area here.
I don’t have a problem with educating young women (and men) on say self defense, assertiveness and how best to avoid situations where they are more likely to be victims of any crime, but let’s not confuse responsibility for the act of rape with a victim’s choices good or bad.
Yes, doing some of those things could sometimes be risky in today’s rape culture. What those blamers don’t get is that a person doing something risky is NOT EVER a justification for doing something violently criminal to them! And rape is a crime of violence, violation, dominance, arrogance. Sex is just the vehicle rapists use to inflict that damage on vulnerable others. The violence and the vulnerability are the keys: To that list of reasons for being blamed, try adding those that rapists and their apologists are less eager to identify with publicly, but which fit the same criteria: Being an infant or toddler; being mentally and/or physically handicapped; being pretty, at any age; being emotionally upset/in shock; being helpless in a hospital bed. ALL those situations are very risky in today’s rape culture, and all have at times been used as an excuse for raping those victims. Enough already. the problem is the rapists, not the victims. Period.
You have a lot of potential rape scenes here. Are you rehearsing?
The point is that we can put situations into classes, from extremely risky to extremely safe. If you do things that are extremely risky, stuff is going to happen. If the risk is rape, you can minimize the risk. Yes, rapists rape. But if you take care of yourself, and she takes care of herself, you lower the chance of being raped. Isn’t that a better idea?
If you take off all your clothes, drink an entire bottle of Johnny Walker Blue, and walk into a frat house, you will have incurred a large bill for alcohol and have a high likelihood of being raped. If you drink tea and stay fully clothed in your dorm room, your chance of rape is very small. The issue is situations between these. There are several factors: 1) becoming incapacitated 2) going with strangers to 3) dark places by 4) yourself, you increase the chance of rape. If you eliminate one or more of these factors, you decrease the chance of rape. If you drink to excess with friends, your chance of rape is low. If you go with friends to dark places you similarly reduce the chance of rape.
You are in control. You make the decisions. Will you make dumb choices or smart choices?
The entire industry of “you can’t blame the victim” has convinced young women that they have the right to do risky things. That is a bad message.