Discussion: Court Blocks Kobach's Scheme For Proof-Of-Citizenship In Kansas Elections

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Kris Kobach should be held personally liable for court costs for all the cases lost around the country due to his voter suppression/disenfranchisement bullshit. Itā€™s the only way heā€™ll ever ā€œget the message.ā€


This is great. Iā€™d like to see Kobach disgraced and unemployed, but mitigating his damage is a start.

I also like the clear statement from the court (even though itā€™s dictum) that the damage to democracy from disenfranchising more than 10,000 voters clearly outweighs the (potential) damage from a couple dozen non-citizen registrations.


Just reading about the legal gyrations of this raging bigot is exhausting. How difficult will it be to vote despite them? Is it too late to undo the damage?


Iā€™m willing to deal here. Iā€™ll give you proof of citizenship for voter registration if you give me proof of citizenship for purchase and ownership of guns. Donā€™t want any of them stealinā€™, rapinā€™, drug-dealinā€™ Mexicans, or any of them Sharia-spreaden Isis and Al-Qaeda types just walking into any Walmart and buying a gun, do you? Do you? Make 'em show their long form birth certificates.


They wouldnā€™t take that, but no. Not unless/until states are required to provide proof of citizenship for free, including free provision of any prerequisite documents. (I think about this in the context of my grandfather, who wouldnā€™t have been able to ā€œproveā€ his citizenship, except for the fact that he was a White Man of Good Family so there was never any question that his birth ceritficate had been destroyed in an earthquake.)


most likely implication will be for Kobach and Brownback to try again to neuter the State Supreme Court again.Legislature tries to neuter Kansas Supreme Court for ā€˜adverse rulingsā€™



At what point do his actions become criminal?


Just a reminder: the racist Kris Kobach is the Koch brothersā€™ ā€œidea guyā€ for targeted voter suppression. His innovative dual-registration system ā€“ one list for Federal elections, another for State offices ā€“ was set to spread across the country after he placed an acolyte, Brian Newby, a former Kobach-appointed elections commissioner to Kansasā€™ Johnson County, on the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

The Koch brothers have upped their involvement in state and local elections in recent years. Theyā€™ve discovered they get more bang for their buck (itā€™s cheap! to buy small market offices) with down-ticket buys.


Nope. The citizens of Kansas pay for it all.

All very well and good, as far as it goes. Now, whoā€™s going to ā€œwatchā€ what signs go up at the precinct level, and who gets to hear what the poll workers tell people who show up to vote? There have been instances in some places where the States and localities involved in some of this vote theft have not changed their signs and voter information, even after court rulings.

This is where the democratsā€™ ground game is crucial. Remember the screen shots they were taking to bolster their case in nevada.

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Heā€™ll have a sinecure in the K Street canyon. No responsibility for his acts.

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Cā€™mon, being white should be all the proof I need, right?

I suspect the damage is pretty well done by now in KS this year. Even if Kobachā€™s ploy has been defeated, it has already served purposes of obfuscation, confusion, and discouragement.

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No problem, since the good people of Kansas have so much to spare. Those tax cuts have turned Kansas into a economic powerhouse, the envy of ā€¦ no one.

Several years ago.

Kansas is a failed stateā€¦all of Kobachā€™s maneuvering wonā€™t change that.

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