Discussion: Counter-Protesters Gather In Berkeley In Response To Right-Wing Rally

I’d really like it some one would start a collection data sets on these people, and specifically what I want to know is age, race, gender, where they grew up, and what level of schooling they attained. I swear to God the No Child Left Behind was way too late (sarcasm).


The mayor of Piedmont in the San Francisco Bay Area has resigned after causing an uproar with what he calls “inflammatory or insulting” postings on Facebook.

Jeff Wieler stepped down as mayor of the tiny city on Sunday, although he’ll remain on the City Council member.

Wieler apologized in a letter to fellow council members.

At a council meeting last week, resident Conna McCarthy read what she claimed were Wieler postings that said: “Black Lives Matter encourages cop killing,” ''Democrats are the plantation slave masters of today" and “Transgenders are mentally ill.”

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article169685137.html#storylink=cpy

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If you can’t stand Marxisms, you can leave in a huff. If that’s too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff.

…and what she was doing in my pajamas I’ll never know…

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“I’m not safe to walk down the road with an American flag in this country,” she said to reporters in Berkeley last week.

Yeah, but not because you’re toting an American flag.

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Probably meant the “real” American flag - you know, the one with the Blue X in the middle of it.

So the dirty fu@king commie hippy students protest to be allowed to protest, but now the minions of the Orange Pustule Hitler can not come a pray that they may intimidate and kill that same hippy scum with their big long guns it’s all a bummer. OK, I am glad we got that all settled.