Discussion for article #242818
How do you tap that without suffering some sort of bone inflicted contusion somewhere?
Maybe we should find out what kind of crimes dim-witted blonds commit.
Watch the full interview
The only way I could watch this:
She went on to say, "irrelevant people have a predilection for saying outrageous things to get attention. It’s in my new book, “LOOK AT ME! The Heart-Crushing Story of a Fading Attention Whore.”
Who cares. TPM should stop giving this media whore oxygen.
Only Bill Maher can answer that…
Because who said it was 2015? Huh? Fucking prove it!
Blondes are dumb.
Whites have a predilection for domestic terrorism. http://bit.ly/1IoyFut
And besides lying their backsides off, what crimes are white people predisposed to?
Oh. I just asked this question and had I scrolled down a bit… Thank you.
No. Just this one.
Sorry. I thought we were playing a nasty party game.
In her case it is slander and voter fraud.
That’s what immediately went through my mind, the bleach has destroyed what brain cells she had…
Correlation does not imply causation. She’s hoping the idiots who pay serious attention to her can’t understand that. Is it Godwin if it’s an accurate comparison? Because this is some Hitler-esque shit logic she’s using here.
Ann Coulter is a vile, despicable piece of shit of a human being. And I’m being nice in that description.
American white males have cornered the market on mass shootings but my guess Coltergist will skip that ethnic group.
Because, unfortunately, there are people willing to pay real money to read and listen to the whiny rantings of a dyed-in-the-wool sociopath.