Discussion for article #232381
this is great news, I hope they get the corrupt governor too. to bad they don’t have a prosecutor like this in Illinois, they could sure use one. its about time the democratic party gets cleansed of the corrupt baby boomers
Sheldon Silver is too old to be a baby boomer. In any case, I’m sure whatever generation you belong to is free from corrupt politicians.
DiBlasio remains a fan. Have to wonder why.
Two aspects of this puzzle me, and lead me to think that there may be another shoe to drop.
I find it hard to believe that Federal investigators started looking into this in March 2014, and came down with indictments in January 2015. That would be a new land speed record for these kinds of investigations. They usually drag on for years (often making successful prosecution damn-near impossible, alas). Then we have Cuomo’s shutdown of the Moreland Commission, done in a somewhat politically inept fashion.
What this makes me wonder about is whether the Federal investigation was already motoring along when the Moreland Commission started doing its bit. Did the Feds then ask Cuomo to call off the Commission because it ran the risk of mucking up the Federal investigation? If so, Cuomo certainly couldn’t have said, “I’m shutting down the Moreland Commission because the Feds asked me to.” He would have needed a cover story that was at least marginally plausible.
I have no evidence for this at all - just speculating, based on the surprisingly quick Federal investigation, coupled with the fairly heavy-handed demise of the Moreland Commission. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, going forward.
Cuomo comes off as Mr. Sleaze.
i didn’t expect to see much love for this guv, so i’m not surprised by the comments. dems don’t need this cuomo, but i’d have love to have seen his dad on a bigger stage.
Governor, I served with Mario Cuomo. I knew Mario Cuomo. Mario Cuomo was a friend of mine. Governor, you’re no Mario Cuomo.
God, I hope so, the arrogant jerk.
from the article:
It’s worth noting that the complaint against Silver states that a
federal grand jury investigation into the speaker’s outside income began
in June 2013, shortly before Cuomo established the commission.
Old Shel may be corrupt as hell (and really, beyond the petty stuff, he’s done some bad shit, like arranging the bulldozing of much of the Lower East Side to run out the Puerto Ricans and keeping the land vacant for 50 years, or tolerating a culture of sexual harassment in Albany), but he’s kind of the linchpin of get-shit-done progressivism in New York. He’s been on both sides of many issues, but on the whole, he’s been a major force for good on issues of concern to working people, women, LGBT folks and people of color. He’s an old lunchbucket Jewish Democrat from the postwar Lower East Side, and whomever replaces him will not be nearly so New Deal-y in their orientation. His apparent downfall means Cuomo will be able to steamroller through his school privatization agenda, among other policy uglies. The headline is disingenuous – it should read “Uh oh, Cuomo now has unfettered power to impose his Republican-lite agenda on the state of New York, thereby setting up his doomed presidential run to Hillary’s right.”
Yep for sure, just like all the progressives here and at DK were fondling themselves in giddy anticipation months ago about how Bridgegate meant the imminent fall of Christie and John Doe meant the imminent fall of Walker. In other words, people on our side can be just as capable of living in a wish-fulfillment fantasyland as wingnuts can be.
It is a possible that the commission was created to give coverage to the corrupt people in Albany - cover from the FBI investigation - and when they realized it wasn’t working, they shut it down.
I will go and adjust my foil hat now
Andrew is really to Mario as W. was to George Herbert Walker, only a bit more clever – he seems to be driven by some quasi-Oedipal need to best his father and repudiate his legacy in the process. Such a shining example of why we shouldn’t encourage political dynasties.
Only people who were 18 years old and politically savvy in 1988 will understand your comments. I sure qualify and that’s a great comment on the current NY Governor.
For those of you too young, Google 1988, Vice Presidential debate. Specific to Dan Quayle.
Great well informed comment. Write more!
Ever the apologist for bad behavior.