Another Team Drumpfster Fire who’ll look good in orange.
His PhD means Piled Higher and Deeper.
What is the over/under on the number of days before Corsi claims he was abducted by space aliens ?
Basically Corsi is nothing but a rodeo clown running around with the goal of creating chaos and confusion
yes this is wrong of me … but I just find Corsi to be insipid and annoying - and I’m convinced he adds next to nothing in terms of solving this puzzle
would prefer that Mueller dispense with him efficiently - like Indiana Jones did with that howling guy with a sword…
This rivals the insane “defense” of that guy who shot people on a Long Island train (Colin Ferguson). He said a guy who looked exactly like him and even had the same name was the culprit. He also represented himself at his criminal trial.
Are you kidding me? This dumb fucker couldn’t guess which way the wind was blowing if he was holding up a weathervane and a wet finger.
Trump and the lemmings: A clairvoyant such as Corsi is certainly a national treasure and an example of God’s great work, and, therefore, is totally deserving of a pardon.
The Trump Business Model
If you constantly lie, no one can ever prove the truth. But it has to be constant. No exceptions to anyone, ever. Lie about everything.
The question is does the Trump Business Model also work on the criminal justice system? It might, especially if the judiciary is stuffed with indebted federal judges.
Jerome Corsi: The answer to the question “How far can you go in life by being an unmitigated smarmy f***?”
I hate the term “conspiracy theorist”. Conspiracy nut, congenital liar, con man, crackpot or weasel faced POS are all acceptable - but to use the term “theorist” in association with guys like Corsi supports a sense that he is postulating something when he is actually just flinging shit.
“She turned me into a newt! (I got better…)”
How well does the “Because I’m a psychic” defense usually do in court?
To paraphrase an earlier answer to a similar question - if you have to ask, I wouldn’t risk it…
“look, I just happened to be on the bridge when a guy threw a bag of money at my feet. Is it my fault that the real bagman never showed up to the exact spot I was standing”?
“Why was I there at that exact spot? Easy. I have read various fictional accounts where people throw bags of money at strangers feet. So I didnt find it out of the ordinary at all”
“I will go to jail proclaiming my innocence”
First thought is that this guy ought to be drawn and quartered at the front gates to Artlington. But then, we have to remember that it was he who was behind the Swiftboating of Kerry in '04. So on second though, he should be burnt at the stake at the Vietnam Memorial. I know about that war; I remember. So I’m no longer anti death penalty, due to his like. Burn the bastard!
claimed on Tuesday that he merely guessed
I’m guessing Paul Manafort is going to have company.
Clairvoyance? Well ok then. Now we have the source of trumpworld’s famed “alt-facts”.
I am guessing trump will be stupid enough to pardon someone close to him thereby sealing his obstruction of justice.