Holy smoke, an emboldened Democrat. Cornyn was taken aback. The times they are a’changin’.
Republicans just cut Vito and Guido right out of the mix and relay the “Nice office ya got there, be too bad if something happened to it” message themselves.
Does anyone know if the whole thing disappears like the accusations never happened? Shouldn’t there be an official investigation concerning Ronny?
I guess, everyone assumes Jackson is dead meat and will disappear after a few days among the dogs… Donald gotta need a new doctor…
And this is what is wrong with the GOP and, to almost as great an extent, politics generally. Cornyn can’t believe Tester did something principled at the possible risk to his reelection chances. Seriously? Go f**k the VA and our veterans just so long as I get reelected? That is what Tester should have done?
“I’m frankly a little surprised at how emboldened he has felt,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) told the Washington Post. “He apparently isn’t too worried about the election.”
It’s called “patriotism”.
Google it.
Maybe it’s because Tester knows that the people of Montana know a charlatan like tRump or Cornhole when they see one.
I don’t think people in Montana — the admiral is the kind of person that they respect and admire.
Ah, insulting an entire state – small potatoes nowadays…
Tester was just doing his job.
“Admiral” and “Montana” in the same sentence is sort of weirdish, right ?
Edit: Joke would work better if Montana was a sovereign nation…
[Quote] “I’m frankly a little surprised at how emboldened he has felt,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) told the Washington Post. “He apparently isn’t too worried about the election.”[/quote] What a surprise a Republican is shocked that someone might have the spine to do what is right outside of the security of a previously announced planned retirement.
Told ya! Which just goes to show they are willing to drag Ronny through the mud and make the charges against him a campaign issue so a few dumb montana folks will say “witch hunt”.
Translation: “I am astonished that anyone would put the good of the country ahead of his chances of reelection. I know I never would.”
As if this story will be remembered, much less a deciding factor, in a vote six months from now.
Not saying this isn’t important or that Tester couldn’t use his advocacy for veterans to his advantage … but the news cycle is not going to slow down any time soon.
“I’m frankly a little surprised at how emboldened he has felt,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) told the Washington Post. “He apparently isn’t too worried about the election.”
mental note: “must contribute to Tester’s re-election asap. must contribute to Tester’s re-election asap. must contribute to Tester’s re-election asap.”
“I think Jon Tester has a big price to pay in Montana. I don’t think people in Montana — the admiral is the kind of person that they respect and admire. And they don’t like seeing what’s happened to him.”
poll please
someone should inform Trump, that Montana’s previous governor and its current one are Democrats.
I think he was “emboldened” because there won’t be a price to pay back in Montana – veterans of every stripe were against this nomination… not because of the Candyman and other allegations, but because he was woefully and completely unqualified for the post.
Montana is not going to give a dry fart about this issue come November and Dump was going to attack Tester anyway. The Senator had nothing to lose with this play, but he did gain the admiration of Dems nationwide. And he saved the VA from a total incompetent. A win all around.
I’m old enough to remember when taking care of veterans and valuing their service was a thing politicians at least paid lip service to.
Them uppity dems…